Question about keystone strips...
Hi Everyone,
I have seen a couple of posts on the boards about the strips diabetics use to keep track of the keytones in their system and I am wating to get some. I know that they test your urine and if you have so many keytones it's either good or bad. Does anyone know anything about this and where I can get them. I know you can get them at Wal-mart but I don't shop there if I can help it. Wondering if CVS or Walgreens carried them. And what am I looking do I know I am doing what by the count of the keytones. Any help would be appreciated!! I want to start using these to keep track of how well my body is doing and somehow I know that you can actually know when your body is losing weight by these strips....I dunno but maybe you can explain it!! Anyway I will be 7 months post-op on 2/16/05 so I really want to crack down and keep up the weight loss. thanks everyone!!

You can purchase them at any drugstore. The Walgreen's by my house has a section of supplements and things related to low carb life, and there are a couple of brands of test strips there. A drugstore that I used to go to had them behind the counter, so I had to ask for them. You can also order them at a good price from Dr. Atkins' website.
The strips turn color based on the quantity of ketones in the urine. If you cut out carbohydrates, you body begins to produce ketones. My pre-surgery test strips were never into the heavy range, usually in the small to medium level. I've not checked since I had surgery.
This is from Dr. Atkin's website: and it can explain it better than I can.
Hope this helps,
Sue O.