I had my surgery 9/2003 and so far I lost only 103 pounds. I still have abotu another 100 pounds to make to 150 (my goal). Now since August my weight loss has really slowed down. I lost maybe about 10 pounds since then.
So I decided to give the nutrisystem aged based four week delivery a try. I just started today and it really controls the portions, caloris, carbs....etc. *crosses fingers* I hope this can help me loose the other 100 pounds.
I was wondering if anyone else had success with nutrisystem?

Pre-packaged programs take all the guess work out of it. I am still early but I would sign up for nutrisystem or even an all liquid diet if that is what it take to get to my goal. nutrisystem is basically the low GI diet pre-packaged. I know peopl who have done very well on it. When any of the programs, you eventually need to learn how to control it yourself but pre-packaged helps in the beginning. I lost quite a bit of weight years ago by following this regiment. A lowcarb proteing shake for breakfast, soup for lunch, salad for late afternoon and a low carb (