The SF Philly Swirl pops are ONLY available at Sam's club. Sam's Club is doing a "Trial run" on there Sugar Free pops and there is only 4 weeks left.
Run out, grab a few boxes to stock up and talk to the manager at the store to keep this product around. Better yet, maybe we can all write Sam's Club Corp and let them know us Bariatric patients NEED this great product around.
I hope this product doesn't go away!!!
Free one day pass to Sam's club! Incase you don't have a membership
Look what I stumbled upon!!!
This article was in the USA TODAY about Philly Swirl!! Very cool
~Lauri B

I had lap rny on 4/11. In preparing for my surgery, I was shopping for things I could have.
I found the Philly Swirls at Sam's and purchased them and my husband and I have been eating them daily!
I sent an email to Sam's club and to the owner's of the company. I received a phone call from one of the owners and an email, thanking me for my kind words and endorsement.
I sure hope they stay at Sam's. If you haven't tried them yet, you just don't know what you are missing. Fat Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!!! How much better could it get. If you are lactose intolerant, here is your answer. And, they are a great portion for us!.
Go to Sam's, buy them and let Sam's and the guy's at Philly Swirls know how much you like them.