Help..!! 3 1/2yrs post-op
Hi...In 3 1/2 yrs post-op, I lost 150 pound and gain a precious daugher of two yrs., but I dont what is dumpling?? Many person speak of dumping but I dont what its...may be I had in the past...but dont know...
Now in the last week, I feel pain inside of my belly and when eat and a food down, I feel the food down but before no. Any person feel the same?? I call my doctor but the office is overbook...
Help me please...
Hello. Be happy that you do not know what dumping is. If you ever have it, you WILL know it. Your heart will almost pounce out of your chest, your stomach will roll, and you dont know if you should sit on the pot or put your head in a trash can; OR BOTH. It lasts for about 20 mins and that is 20 LONG mins and is caused by eating something you should not eat such as some sweets or fatty stuff. Chances are if you havent had it then you wont. My dr. told me one time it was funny when he got calls from patients who were duming cause they would say " I am dying, please help, I think I am having a heart attack! Good luck!