6 days out / pureed food
I had my surgery 6 days ago and have been strictly following the liquid diet. I'm noticing that most people need to do liquids for 2 or 3 weeks, for whatever reasons I only do liquids for a week, (a week from when I passed the upper GI) so that means on Sunday, I can start on pureed food. (and then 2 weeks after that, its soft foods for another two weeks. im seeing alot of people having different orders and being surprised by mine. i dont know). My question is, tomarrow is Friday, and I can start eating pureed on Sunday. Would it hurt to start a little earlier? Like have a little something on Friday or Saterday? I'm so tired of liquids ....
And do I need to blend everything, even cottage cheese, or could I eat that as is? I'm confused as to what needs blending.
Mashed potatos.
Cottage Cheese.
They are all pretty soft as it is. I'd think it would be fine to not blend but I honestly dont know. I know chicken and things like that would obviously need to be blended.
Can someone help me, with what should be blended, and what about starting a day or two earlier?
As far as my recovery, I'm doing great. I was walking all around the hospital, came home, had slight pain in the left side where my drain is. I'm off the pain meds now, going out sometimes, walking. I can do most things with the exception of bending, ect.
I'd appreciate some advice though

First of all congrats on your surgery ! Second..take it one day at a time. It would be ok to try little bits now. You don't need to blend things like yogurt and cottage cheese. Chewing is the important part. Chew things until they are liquidy.
Please go by your doctors orders. Take it slow. I know it's hard. I hated the pureed foods part and I had to eat them for 3 weeks before going to soft foods.
All in all the outcome is wonderful if you listen to the doctors orders. You will feel so much better and be glad you ate that pureed food !
Have a wonderful Christmas !
I had my surgery on 12/09 and I'm eating cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt and mash potatoes. I even had some ham diced up really small tonight mixed in with my potatoes. My surgeon don't believe in starving you with liquids. There is no real nutrition in liquids alone and I started feeling better once I was able to eat some cottage cheese.
don't rush yourself to eat. you have the rest of your life to eat. i think being on liquid for 3 weeks is key. my doctor made me wait three weeks and i have never vomitted from eating once and i am a 16 months post op. at 3 weeks your stomach is half way healed from the surgery. i have found that when i have heard of people only waiting a week or two they have problems with eating. what i say is just how i feel it isn't factual. i eat what ever i want. another thing eating will never be the same as before. in the beginning it will/should take you almost an hour to eat 2oz of food yeah something that you would have just swallowed before. take your time and gradually work up to harder foods. by a year you will know what you can and can not eat just by trial and error of how it feels going down and setting in your stomach. food that you are not suppose to have feel better in your stomach than the food you are suppose to have. so as you go through time be careful of these items