11 Weeks Post Op and still can't eat right
Mary kathryn P.
on 9/30/04 1:22 pm - Burlington, IA
on 9/30/04 1:22 pm - Burlington, IA
Hello Folks....
I'm having a terrible time getting in enough food. I'm trying to eat protein, but can't tolerate eggs or cottage cheese. I seem to do the best with just plain meat like ham, or sausage.. but I can't seem to eat enough to get my recommended 60 grams of protein a day.. Will this just happen eventually, or should I be worried now.
I can't handle protein powders with milk either and the protein bars make me sick.
Sometimes, even after an hour after eating, if I drink water, I get sick and cough everything up. I'm afraid I'm not getting enough water either.
My Dr. wants me to use TUMS for calcium, but I'm not tolerating them very well. What other sources of calcium has everyone else used? Is there any pill you can just swallow and not chew?
Thanks for all your input... Have a great weekend!
Mary Kathryn
11 weeks post op
103 pounds lost
Your doing great. 103# and still going. Check your protein content on pkgs. This helps I hope you like fish cuz that has the highest protein.
I found a Protein chart at OWLSS on this sight and www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/9847/protein.html. I to have a hard time staying on the high protein. I like junk food. I eat it and it tells on me. I had surgery 2/11/04 and have lost 110#. I got this sweet tooth and that doesn't help eather. Maybe you could find a support group in your area. Ask your Doc/Nurse,Hospital in your area or where you had susrgery at. Good Luck
Hi I had my open RnY on September 22, '04. I am just 3 weeks out today and like you I can't seem to tolerate anything but the meat stuff. Here is the list of "quality" proteins my DR. recommended to me: eggbeaters or egg whites only, (the yolk has too much fat per gram of protein). Cottage Cheese, tuna, all shell fish...shrimp etc... chicken and red meat but without skin, battering or frying. He recommended throwing in a little onion and pickles etc with the tuna or chicken and making like a tuna or chicken salad. This has been my mainstay this and the fish really are the only things I can keep down wich is good because it has the highest protein VS fat and calories. I hope this helps, you will get through this, Lord knows I have had my struggles in just this last 3 weeks. Keep up the good work!! You'll get there!!
Blessings, Joyce

Sweet Pea, don't worry! The hair will fall out but that is about it. I couldn't take protein either. Still don't really don't care for it. I am 2 1/2 yrs. post. I am a carb freak. I take a multi vitamin. Do the best you can! The people who set this stuff up are out for our best interest but I don't think that even they could live up to what they tell us to do. Really, think about it. We will mal absorb everything we put in out mouth. Some worse than others. But we will survive. And be healthy inspite of everything they say. Good luck! Your stomach will change a million times about what it will and won't tolerate. Eventually, everything will fall into place. Good grief, you are just a baby yet. Wait til you are all healed and not swollen. Things will work!
Hi, Im about 5 weeks post op and I know im definatley not getting the protein in that I need, Im just taking it one day at a time. As the Calcium at first I was crushing up pills and trying to drink it with a protein drink that was gross. Now I am taking the Viactive chocolate Soft Calcium chews..... I know Kmart has the generic brands thats where I got mine. Good luck and best wishes
I am 5 months post-op and down 107lbs and I still dont get in enough protein and that is ALL I eat. 3 meals and one snack. I tried eggs forever but they never seemed to work for me until I tried to 'fry' one with pam spray instead of oil and that has worked great for me. Other than that I live off beans, fat-free refried beans and low fat cheeses. I just recently found a great tasting protein shake that you mix with water and it still is awesome and it has 1.5g of sugar per serving but its Splenda. Its called Protein Delight and the Vanilla very berry is awesome!! I dont do milk so I had problems with shakes! As for the water thing I am just now being able to drink my full 64-80oz. of water and still kinda feeling water logged but at least I get it and pee every hour! Just keep trying but dont force yourself. Sounds like you are doing great. I know it seems hard now but believe me it does get better
Congrats on being a loser!!