Photo Inspiration! Before and After
Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is having a good Monday so far! My photography business has eaten up every last minute of my life and I have NEVER worked so hard or been so busy. Thank God I am 170lbs thinner. I don't think I could have kept up with everything before surgery. I thought I would share one of my instagram photos with everyone on OH. I was 311 lbs in the photo on the left and 141 lbs on the right. It has not been easy though. I have had to be super careful about what I eat lately. I could EASILY gain 10 lbs without even trying. The only way I can keep myself at my current weight is to go back to shakes for breakfast and lunch. It sucks but is well worth it.
I get a lot of messages on OH but don't always have the time to check them so if anyone is looking to contact me with questions and have Facebook please search for my group, "Amber's WLS Group". I tend to be able to get back to people quicker that way.
[Starting Weight: 311] [Surgery Weight: 287] [Current Weight: 141 [Goal Weight: 150] 9 lbs BELOW goal! Yay!
Follow my photos on Instagram @peace_trainMy Personal Facebook Weight Loss Group: "Amber's WLS GROUP"
Omg what a transformation! You look great. I bet you feel a lot better too (both emotionally and physcially)
It's hard when I get in my own thoughts or sometimes I throw my thoughts out the window and go back to eating on autopilot. Being disciplined for future results can get tough.
Thanks for the INSPIRATION!!!