Leigh M.
on 7/17/12 5:18 am - Murfreesboro, TN

hi, i am 7.5 years out, its been forever since i have been on here, but i cant take it any more, i have lost 210 lbs, honeymoon period after one year never ended, i still NEVER want to eat, it is now starting to be a huge problem, only now because i have had two children, and i forced myself to eat for them in pregnancy, anyone else never want to eat?, i have also had problems with becoming alcoholic, i dont ge on here much so excuse me if i reply late, someone for the love of god tell me how to get an appetiete before i am hospitilized again!

on 8/13/12 7:29 am - MI
I have no idea how to help you with that. I would bet the alcohol has something to do with lack of appetite. Sounds like you should get help from doctors and nutritionists. Glad you are reaching out and trying to find a solution! Best of luck to you!
Kathy J.
on 10/30/12 11:54 am - Flint, MI

I know you do not want to hear this, but try therapy.  It sounds like you are transferring one addiction for another.  They told us that alcohol is the most common addition after weight lost surgery.  I know this is not much help, but I really think that seeing a therapist will help with your problems.

Good luck.  And keep posting.

on 2/23/13 11:11 pm - Redlands, CA

You are not alone. 

Alcohol is very full of calories and therefore can decrease your appetite. Also compulsive overeating is the flip side of anorexia - two sides of the same coin. Another addictive behavior. And yet, I understand, even if you know all these things it is not always easy to put into practice. Perhaps if you get more understanding of these things, you can develop more healthy behaviors. 

If you find an answer to these things.... please let us know.... you have spoken for many silent voices out there!


Leigh M.
on 2/24/13 9:35 am - Murfreesboro, TN

Thank you for your replies,

I am a binge drinker-alcoholic. I drink straight for 3 to 6 days, then sometimes not until 2 to 10 months later even up to a year..  Therefore, the calorie theory does not apply. I wouldn't loose my appetite because of alcohol, it would normalize after a week or two when I am sober, and it doesn't.  By the way, alcohol does not have a lot of calories in it by itself, beer and wine (alcohol containing) do, and any mixers you put with it.  Plus, since I have had RYN, I get drunk off of barley anything with the smallest amount of alcohol in it.  Thanks.

I am in no way in denial about transferring my addiction, I am an addict period! I have known that from day one. I wouldn't have called myself an alcoholic if i didn't already know that I transferred.  I am in therapy for my addiction problems, plus I am heavily involved in AA. 

My therapist is not going to give me a "physical" change to have an appetite.  This post does not have anything to do with my mental state, or addiction issues, it is entirely physical.  I was wanting help to see if anyone knew a way to increase the hormone ghrelin so that I can get myself out of my honeymoon stage that has lasted 8 years now. I am sorry I was not clear in my post about the pure physical part of my problem.  I should have read back over it. I wanted to keep it brief.  Now I am just taking a lot of supplements to make up for never eating. I was wondering if anyone else out there has the same physical problem with RYN.

Even when I do force myself to eat it makes me sick to my stomach, and I dump from almost everything, which is another turn-off to eating also, not to mention not having the urge in the first place.

Let me know if anyone is on the same page.


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