stuggling with the pre weight loss
I had to lose 30% total and 15% to get my date well I got my date and now "my last meal at this favorite place and that favorite place". I have put back on 7 lbs I have another weigh in Friday and Im so scared to go and regret the food I have had ... I hate that keep doing this to myself. I am also getting very anxious about syrgery on 4/1 =(
I hope things go well for you. Hopefully, Since the surgery is allready schedule their will be know changes made.. Please don,t let the last meat symdome get to you down. It will not be you last meal. You have the rest of your life ahead you. The first four month after surgery are the hardest and the easiest. Because, the decision is made for you. Because, You stomach is small and sore to take in any thing. I stay sick the first 4 months. I could not eat anything. But, You can pretty much eat what you want after about 6 month. That when the hard choices in your life begins. You have to make the choice what is more important to you eating everything you want or Deciding what more important living a healthly lifestyle and losing the weight. Their are hard choices to be made. Exercising when hate to exercise. A year out. you really have to start exercising to keep the weight to coming off. especially if you have a high B.M.I.