raw seafood?

on 8/8/11 12:38 am
Hi- I am just over one month out (7/6/11) from my surgery...and so far all has been going swimingly ;-)
(sorry, silly!)
but, really, I have been very careful, no dumping at all.
BUT, I am going out of state this week to visit family and I know this will mean more eating out. I was wondering what anyone's experience eating raw seafood (raw oysters, sashimi (without rice)- what have other people's experience been post-gastirc bypass?
on 8/17/11 5:49 am

Hi.  I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I am only 6 days out and so I don't have any personal experience, but I can tell you that I have a good friend who had surgery 6 years ago and she goes out for sushi / sashimi quite often without problem. I believe she has been eating sushimi since not long after she was able to move on to soft foods and a regular diet.  I personally would be scared about the raw oysters just because you can't chew them, but I would think that the sashimi without the rice and chewed really well should be ok. 
Have a great trip!!

on 8/17/11 6:19 am
Thanks so much for responding to my porting.
I actually tried the shashimi (w/out rice) over vacation and it went great! So pleased to have another, eating out friendly option.
Hope you are having a good recuperation.
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