
on 12/26/10 7:25 am - Patterson, CA
why are we told to avoid alcohol? will it cause weight gain?
Susan M.
on 1/12/11 8:29 am - San Diego, CA


Carbonation for one, sugar for another. Remember what you eat and drink now goes straight to your intestine.  Alcohol hits me like a ton a bricks, half a flat beer still make me break out in a major sweat and I turn bright red. Much less to get you drunk,
Susan Martinez
Nothing tastes better than THIN feels!!!
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Sara F.
on 2/14/11 11:42 am - White Cloud, MI
I had my first drink (a white russian made w/ skim milk) about 12 months post-op. One sip and I was TANKED!!!! It hits you fast and hard! But the feeling leaves you fast as well. That does not mean that the alcohol has left your system though... my wonderful friend is a cop and we did a little breathalizer experiment, so DO NOT DRIVE even if you feel sober!!!!
You will certainly be a cheap date! But be very careful. Drink slowly, drink alot of water too, don't forget that your previous dependence on food can now be easily replaced... Alcohol isn't a good replacement!
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