I had the VSG and I'm still not at my goal. It's my own fault.

Virgie Tschirhart
on 11/6/10 1:13 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

I do not want to post this on the VSG forum.  I have before and get a lot of mean replies.  I have to get to the source of my food addiction and I'm going to get some counselling.  I just don't know if that will be enough.  Any suggestions?  This is my 2nd wls.  I had the LB in 2008.  Right now I'm 182.  I need to lose around 32 lbs or more.

My downfall is  bread, tortillas, potatoes, chips.
Thanks for replying. 

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 11/6/10 11:52 pm - Norman, OK

Soooo...what is going on with your head my friend?   You're hanging on to the food over your health and your look for some reason....please schedule to go talk to the psych guy at Weightwise, I can't remember his name, but he is very good, and he will help you find alternate ways to deal with the "carb" issue.  You will be successful at this, but again, only if you fix the REAL problem.  You have been hugely successful since your sleeve and you are looking great.......I am a huge fan of affirmations myself.   Write down three or four and incant them to yourself a gillion times a day until you believe them.  Ex.   1)Everything I touch turns to gold,  2)With every change I make, I help someone else change too....3) God is with me every step of the way...God is in control..... 4)one in your case could be something like:  Carbs don't control me, I control carbs....or maybe even something to remind you that flour and water(the major ingrediants you seem to like) make paste.....and you sure don't want PASTE in your arteries.

Good luck and stay in touch!!!


"It doesn't matter how strong your opinions are, if you don't use them for positive change, you ARE, indeed, part of the problem"


Virgie Tschirhart
on 11/7/10 10:26 am - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17
Hi Cathy,  I remember you.  You are so kind and I appreciate your input.  I did have an appointment with the
Dr. Keller, at Weight Wise.  He basically said that I need to make a smarter choices.  Which I have not.  I was depressed last year during the holidays because of my slow weight loss.  This year is the same thing.  I'm depressed because I will not stop eating carbs and lose my weight.  I sometimes feel like juist giving up. 

You have done really well with your weight loss congrats to you. 

Thanks for allowing me to cry on your shoulder.


Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 11/7/10 3:44 am - Davenport, FL
Hi there,
I'm sorry you don't get support on the vsg forum for yourself.   Gosh, probably 99% of us are food addicts and what makes people think just because they have surgery that the addiction goes away????    Granted the craving will lessen once you do get a handle on the carbs and sugar.  At least I have found that to be true.   But all it takes sometimes is a certain commercial
or a familiar aroma and we go nuts!    It is so hard.   The world is soooo food orientated and everything social revolves around food.  It's everywhere!!  

You are not alone is your struggles and no one should make you feel that you are.  You've had great success but you're still struggling.    I feel for you.

I have not had my surgery yet but it will be soon.  3 weeks ago the nurse at my dr office told me I had to go on the pre-op diet.  It consists of protein, veggies and fruit.  That's it.  NO carbs.
You'd think she had taken my first born child!!!  lol    I was prepared to go on the liquid diet before surgery but I was still, I figure, a good month away from surgery at least.  Why do I need to start now I said to myself?   It took me two whole weeks to get in the right state of mind to give up my precious carbs.  This week is the first week I've done it.  I am surprised it's not harder than it has been.

I encourage you to find a counselor who can help you deal with food issues.  I just found one myself.   I have a lot of probs with depression and have been in therapy plenty of times.  I'm on meds and have been hospitalized in the past.  I got really lucky this time cause I found a sweetheart of a lady who not only is a Christian as myself but had RNY yrs ago!!!!  I was so shocked and thankful.  I am hoping she will be a big help to me after surgery.

pm me if you want to talk further     Stop beating yourself up, ok?

Big hug,
Phyllis M.
on 11/10/10 1:30 am, edited 11/10/10 1:32 am - Irving, TX

((((((((((((((((huggs))))))))))))))))) from a former Okie friend...my friends, life and family are still in OKC !! lol

I'm in Irving, TX because that is where I'm EMPLOYED !!

I haven't had VSG...but I feel your pain - I'm 3 years post op - RNY......REALLY STRUGGLING HERE TOO !! I have a cousin 4 years out this month in OKC and I believe has regained all of her weight - NOT using her tool - gave up and it just ****** me off....cuz I'm not perfect either and now I'm struggling too - I've gained 30 lbs............

I was gonna be the perfect WLS patient and on all calendars........NOT !!

All I can say is what has been told to me over and over.....

1) Start over.........simple basic rules.....no drinking with meals.......
2) learn to say NO.........When I learn this one - I'll help you too !! lol Just kidding....
I work in an office that has had all kinds of vendors in and out every weekend and I can't resist anything that they bring in...........just gotta have it........... so this week - on my screen saver - I have simply put "GO AWAY CARB MONSTER" I DON'T NEED YOU IN MY LIFE...My co-workers think I'm nuts......but thats nothing usual !!

3) Journal your feelings......everything you eat, time and your feelings see if you can pinpoint what you are doing - when your hardest times are.....

4) Carbs are horrible for us........my dr states just stay away from the carbs....maybe find some protein chips out there........Kay's Naturals has some good protein chips that are quite tasty too.

5) Are you involved in a structured support group - if not - find one or create one in your area....be surprise if you post on the OH Boards in Oklahoma boards what takers you might find - IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT SURGERY ONE HAS HAD - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER AND ARE SUFFERING FROM THE SAME PROBLEMS - SOME ARE HIDDEN BEHIND US IN OUR HEARTS...........I know - been there and walking with you my sistah !!

6) Planning is a big part of it - and being prepared ......pack that lunch bucket with better choices

(((((huggss))))))))) and good luck.....

Do you like to text? send me a pm and I'll reply with my # if you are interested..

  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




on 11/11/10 10:42 am - Kansas City, KS
Hey Girl, I read your story and I just wanted to send love love and support your way! I know how you feel I am a food adict myself. I had a RNY almost 3 years ago, I started at 280lbs and got down to 158 but have bounced up to 165. I live with food guilt every day over every thing I eat and it is awful. I try to stay in controll but sometimes the addiction wins. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and you have NOTHING to be ashamed of here. I know some people can be so cruel and think it is ok to look down on others for strugling but they are just cowards hiding behind their superiority complex. Hang in there girlie you can do this! you deserve success! 

 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

on 11/12/10 4:45 am
 I don't have much to offer other than congratulating you for seeking help and support through counseling.  I only just had my VSG in July and I am already really, really struggling.  Food is the only support I have so giving it up seems impossible. I feel for you because I'm there too.

*big hugs!*
(deactivated member)
on 11/17/10 7:31 pm
VSG on 05/04/09 with
Its really too bad that all you heard was folks being mean to you, because folks were really trying to be helpful and at this point just up front about the situation. 

Hope you can get it figured out girlie.  The toughest part was never knowing what to do.. the toughest part is always and will always be the doing. 


All the luck to you.
on 1/5/11 4:09 pm
i came across this post and wanted to respond.  like someone else shared seeking help is the first step.  i remember Dr. Oz talking about what certain cravings can mean.  take the links for what they are worth but most importantly, love on yourself and don't beat yourself up.  i hope that by the time you read this, you are doing better :)



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