So hungry tonight!
I am frustrated! I am so hungry tonight and my will power is so low. Okay, so this might be TMI but right around my period I get soooo tired and hungry I can't seem to get a grip on it. I can feel it coming on and I try to ward it off with keeping busy and moving around the house at night but tonight I just can't seem to get a grip on it. I feel soooo hungry. Salty, sweet, savory, doesn't matter. Pandora (my pouch) is so grumpy this time of the month. Anyone have a similar issue or way you cope? I feel like I make good choices if I choose a snack, ie, Zone bar, protein coffee...but jeeze, the monster wants to be fed.
Okay, I have ranted and I feel better. I guess I just need to move more. Any advise is so helpful! THanks all!!!

Okay, I have ranted and I feel better. I guess I just need to move more. Any advise is so helpful! THanks all!!!

Dear shabbylady1221,
I know exactly what you are talking about! I go through the same thing every month. I feel like I'm going crazy with the hunger, cravings for anything sweet, salty or savory. If I even eat anything (even healthy) it throws me into a complete frenzy and then I fail and eat anything bad I can get my hands on. The absolute only way I get around it and I say around it, is because I can't go through it - I would lose that battle and have lost that battle more times than I can count. I go swimming...that is the only thing that takes it away. Walking, biking, ranting and raving about it or anything else that I have tried (except swimming) did not and still does not work. I think it has to do with the feeling of weightlessness in the water. It completely takes away the hunger and the cravings! I don't know why it works, but it works for me. If you don't have access to a pool, try soaking in the tub. Hope this helps! Take care!
I know exactly what you are talking about! I go through the same thing every month. I feel like I'm going crazy with the hunger, cravings for anything sweet, salty or savory. If I even eat anything (even healthy) it throws me into a complete frenzy and then I fail and eat anything bad I can get my hands on. The absolute only way I get around it and I say around it, is because I can't go through it - I would lose that battle and have lost that battle more times than I can count. I go swimming...that is the only thing that takes it away. Walking, biking, ranting and raving about it or anything else that I have tried (except swimming) did not and still does not work. I think it has to do with the feeling of weightlessness in the water. It completely takes away the hunger and the cravings! I don't know why it works, but it works for me. If you don't have access to a pool, try soaking in the tub. Hope this helps! Take care!