Anyone dream about the foods?
Sometimes I dream about chocolate. I know I can have some, if I want it. I just can't eat a pound of See's candy anymore without feeling awful!
I can have treats like ice cream, but not too much, and I find myself every bit as satisfied after 1/2 cup of B&J's Cherry Garcia as I used to be when downing an entire box of Hostess chocolate Donettes.
I mourned food for a while after my surgery, but honestly, the benefits of weight loss and health regain FAR outweigh the pleasures of overeating for me. And I discovered that 2 tablespoons of salad dressing really hides the flavor of the salad veggies, and lite sour cream is just as good as full fat sour cream on my baked potato, and I feel so much better after eating a plate of greens that has 250 calories (dressing and croutons) than I do after a 350 calorie candy bar.
Once I quit most of my old high-fat/high-salt/high-sugar favorites, it's like my tastebuds woke up and I rediscovered a whole new world!

I mourned food for a while after my surgery, but honestly, the benefits of weight loss and health regain FAR outweigh the pleasures of overeating for me. And I discovered that 2 tablespoons of salad dressing really hides the flavor of the salad veggies, and lite sour cream is just as good as full fat sour cream on my baked potato, and I feel so much better after eating a plate of greens that has 250 calories (dressing and croutons) than I do after a 350 calorie candy bar.
Once I quit most of my old high-fat/high-salt/high-sugar favorites, it's like my tastebuds woke up and I rediscovered a whole new world!
I having literally been dreaming about bread, any kind of bread, cracker, crust!! I told my husband today that if my stomach was normal size, I'd get a whole loaf of fresh french bread and just dip it in spagetti sauce!!! It's awful--I'm 2 weeks out and having such cravings!!! it's driving me nuts!!! Actually looking forward to the pureed stage!! lol