What am I doing wrong???
Thanks, Libby
As to your food, you may want to mix the protein powder with water or non-fat milk. If you are really trying to cut calories, you can add DaVinciGourmet sugar free and fat free syrups to your shakes instead of fruit. They come in about 45 flavors and you can get them at most nutritional sites. I get mine from www.netrition.com . Of couse, you do need complex carbs in your diet, so see what is allowed on your post-op diet. Most women are probably advised to get 1,000 to 1,200 cal per day for healthy weight loss. In the beginning of your weight loss journey, you probably don't have to be as concerned with your actual calorie intake as long as you are getting sufficient protein and fluids. However, this is the time when you should be developing good eating habits.
I assume you are now on the soft food portion of the post-op diet. You may be able to add some low-fat cheeses. You may want to look to beans for protein. I personally don't like anything spicy, but I know a lot of guys on the Men's Forum initially got pleasure from eating Wendy's chili. You should be able to eat eggs or egg beaters--check with your primary as far as cholesterol. Despite my size, I've eaten 2 eggs in the morning along with a banana. In the last year I've added having whole wheat bread or toast to avoid the dreaded constipation problems. You may want to try a slice or two of light whole wheat bread--about 40 cal per slice.
Can you eat fish? Or, don't you like fish? If that's not a possibility, you may want to look at vegetarian sources of protein such as quinoa or soy. Maybe veggie burgers can work for a short period of time as a bridge until you are able to tolerate more solid foods.
That's about all I can think of now since I had my revision RNY over 4 years ago. Bob
Thanks Bob,
I just really need to stay focus on getttin my protein in that I need. It was about 2 weeks before the scale moved.. it moved this am which was a relief but I really did well getting in my protein, I still cant tolerate eggs or chicken, turkey, pork, ground beef... I have been eating home made beef jerky which has been a life saver.. eating it as a snack not as a meal.. lol. My Doctor gave me the go ahead to experiment with a variety of foods with in reason,
I am going to check out the website you refered to.. I would like to be able to "spice" up my protein shakes..
I just need to focus.. Thank you.. any more tips would be appreciated!
I know that I was told that I should start experimenting with some foods but, if they cause you a problem, wait a couple weeks before trying them again. I know the cooked veggies may have little nutrional value, but they may help you get varied meals. You may want to cook them and even add cheese. You can sneak in protein whenever you can. Of course, when you do have meals, have protein first. Try to have snacks --I mean your smaller meals -- that ar mostly protein. Bob

If you can find it, try Myoplex Light protein drinks...the chocolate is pretty tasty, only has 2g of fat, 1g of sugar, and 20g of protein...they come in 11oz. ready to drink boxes, just put them in the fridge and drink them cold...I find mine at Wal-Mart and Walgreens. I usually have one of these in the mornings for a shot of protein to start the day...and they also count toward your fluid intake. I also drink 2-3 glasses of chocolate milk everyday...I make it myself. I use 8-10oz. of fat free milk with a couple of squirts of sugar free chocolate syrup...you'd be surprised how good it is! No fat, just natural sugars from the milk and at least 9g of protein with each glass. This will give you extra calcium and protein and it counts toward your fluids.
I haven't done protein shakes since about 3-4 weeks out from surgery, just can't stomach them. I'm nearly 2 1/2 years out now and just had my labs done and I'm right on target and I've been using these drinks for about a year now. If you have one Myoplex drink and a couple of glasses of milk you'd be getting app. 38g of protein and app. 27oz. of fluids...plus they taste great, no having to force yourself to drink it!
As for the scale not moving, be patient. If you're following the rules and doing everything right it will start moving again...it took me nearly six months to lose 50 lbs! I was doing everything right but my body didn't want to give it up. I didn't have big losses, just steady and slow, which was fine with me. Remember, this surgery is not a cure all...its a tool and it will take some time. Hang in there, you'll reach your goal! If I can help any other way please feel free to let me know! Good luck to ya!
I can relate completly with you. I have a hard time with the liquids, and I'm 1 month and 1 week post op. I did really well the first 2 weeks out, then ANY protien I eat makes me throw up. Dr says, try little bits at a time, but it's so hard. I constantly am looking for things to eat that have LOTS of protien that I could try to eat to bring up my levels?
any recipes out there?? that have worked for others, would be a great help.