Anyone had revision on this forum???
I know there is a "revision forum" I could go to... however it seems like NO ONE has done a revision over bypass.
Long story short.. I had RNY in 1993.. lost 110 pounds.... Started drinking carbonated drinks 3 years ago (Sodas/beer) and I have gained almost all of it back.
Im in the process of trying to get insurance AETNA) to approve band over RNY but have not heard anything as of yet.
So has anyone had a revision?
Labband people... What is the best advise you could give me and are you happy w/ the results?
AETNA people.... How was your experience with them.
Thanks everyone...
God Bless,

Long story short.. I had RNY in 1993.. lost 110 pounds.... Started drinking carbonated drinks 3 years ago (Sodas/beer) and I have gained almost all of it back.

Im in the process of trying to get insurance AETNA) to approve band over RNY but have not heard anything as of yet.

So has anyone had a revision?
Labband people... What is the best advise you could give me and are you happy w/ the results?
AETNA people.... How was your experience with them.
Thanks everyone...
God Bless,

Do you have a regular email address you can provide me? If so, please email me at [email protected]...
What did you think when you first had it done? Could you feel restriction right away... How did you feel after the surgery? What state are you in? Im in VA..
I would love to hear what you Dr. has to say about the success of this surgery?
I'm scheduled for April 30th and would love to chat w/ you before then.. I hope it all works out.... Thanks,
I feel noooooooo restriction and am scared out of my mind. they tell me i have to wait for a fill. my e-mail is [email protected] I live in ny.
I have RnY in 2002. I only lost 84 pounds and then hit stress. I hear people describe only being able to eat these tiny amounts of food. Not me. I think he left my pouch too big. Gained back 70 poundst. I went the drastic route and had a Duodenal Switch/Pancretic Diversion in 2005. No complaints or regrets about it. With the revision, you know a little more what to expect, side effect wise. I went from 272 to 170. I opted to stop there because I didn't want to look gaunt or have too much skin. Supposedly the average woman is a size 12 and that's where I was. I have gained back somewhere between 6-8 pounds, depending on the day, but I have had a very difficult emotional year.
I had Aetna for my RnY and my DS. They even paid from my breast reduction and panni/tummy tuck in November 2008. I was hoping to convince them of my dire need for a thigh lift, which usually no one covers but my insurance changed.
You have present a complete picture to them. I wrote a letter explaining the psychology effects, the physical effects, got letters from my GP, gastro doc, whoever I could think of and had the surgeon submit everything. I actually got approved very quickly. I found it's all about documentation. Did the same thing for my plastics.
Good luck to you.
I had Aetna for my RnY and my DS. They even paid from my breast reduction and panni/tummy tuck in November 2008. I was hoping to convince them of my dire need for a thigh lift, which usually no one covers but my insurance changed.
You have present a complete picture to them. I wrote a letter explaining the psychology effects, the physical effects, got letters from my GP, gastro doc, whoever I could think of and had the surgeon submit everything. I actually got approved very quickly. I found it's all about documentation. Did the same thing for my plastics.
Good luck to you.
Jamy V.
Houston Texas
TT 11/2008 178 lbs
CW 04/2008 175 lbs
DS 07/2005 272 lbs
RnY 03/2002 290 lbs
Houston Texas
TT 11/2008 178 lbs
CW 04/2008 175 lbs
DS 07/2005 272 lbs
RnY 03/2002 290 lbs
I had my original RNY on 11-14-00 and lost about 240 lbs before I started to regain weight , I had already regained about 90 lbs in the summer of 2004 when my primary had me scoped prior to doing some heart tests. As a result of that scope, the internist said that I had a staple line disruption with a net result as if I never had the RNY. My original surgeon no longer took my ins ( which was AETNA at the time). I found another surgeon who did my revision RNY on 01-21-05. That stemmed the problem of regaining weight, but I only lost about 40 lbs then due to severe depression, When I went back to that doc's office for a follow-up visit, one of the nurses was nasty to me about my poor weight loss and I never went back there again. It's taken me a few years to realize that she may have NOT been nasty and that I could have just misinterpreted everything due to the depression. However, my shrink wouldn't let me change anti-depressants until about 9 months after that revision RNY. All is hunky dory with my moods now.