hungry increasing before 1st fill!

thanks- backsliding in texas
While I agree that the fills alone don't mean success, they DO make a huge difference. Particularly when you finally get to that sweet spot of perfect restriction. Thats the point of having the surgery! We need HELP in losing this weight and our bands are the tool we chose to use. I have had 4 fills and will probably need one more for sure. I am definitely closer to great restriction but not there yet. I have lost 73# since last June 26th, the day of my surgery. I asked my dr. to go slow with fills as I have seen/heard people who are too tight and have gotten stuck. I don't care to go there, no matter how fast you can lose that way. Make sure you have a good support system-it is key no matter how you chose to lose weight. And someone who understands your choice for surgery and your band. Good luck!
Tammy Q
Tammy Q
THERE IS HOPE! It sounds like you're right on track. Bands are empty when "installed" because there is swelling after surgery. It sounds like you're swelling has gone down and you are healing nicely.
As long as you're making the right food choices and aren't "grazing" you'll be fine. When I'm really hungry beans (no lard vegetarian refried) with reduced fat mexican cheese and some enchilada sauce seem to help the most (you can also get this at Taco Bell which and it's exactly 2 protein servings- 1/2 c beans and 1/4 c cheese).
Your first fill is in two weeks, correct? It can take up to 5 fills before you don't have hunger. Sorry, but that's the gist of it. I'm eight months out and have only lost one pound so far this year. BUT, I haven't gained. I'm at 4.5 cc and still able to eat plenty, although I'm not as hungry between meals. My next fill I'm hoping will do the trick.
As long as you're making the right food choices and aren't "grazing" you'll be fine. When I'm really hungry beans (no lard vegetarian refried) with reduced fat mexican cheese and some enchilada sauce seem to help the most (you can also get this at Taco Bell which and it's exactly 2 protein servings- 1/2 c beans and 1/4 c cheese).
Your first fill is in two weeks, correct? It can take up to 5 fills before you don't have hunger. Sorry, but that's the gist of it. I'm eight months out and have only lost one pound so far this year. BUT, I haven't gained. I'm at 4.5 cc and still able to eat plenty, although I'm not as hungry between meals. My next fill I'm hoping will do the trick.