going out to dinner
I am having a real hard time. Let's start with saying that I am only post op almost 6 weeks and am eating pureed food up until now. Hope to start the soft food next week. my problem is---I meet a really nice guy who wants to take me to dinner. He knows about my surgery and is very proud of me for having it done so that's not an issue. He is not overweight and in good shape. We are both in our early 60's. Great.
My problem is when he ask me to dinner I don't know what I can eat on the menu as yet. I have put this off for several weeks and he understands and that's fine. Now we have been invited to a big family get together at Logan's steak house the end of March and I would love to join in and eat something off the menu. Anyone know what I should do?

Logan's is a good place to eat, what you don't have to do is panic. You order off the menu and you order an entree. Something high in protein, but something that you have already tried so you don't get sick in public. Shrimp or some type of fish, eat slow take your time and talk between bites. Cut your portion off to the side of the plate and eat from that side. Get a togo box when you order, when you full scoot the rest of your food in the togo box and you have something for your next 3 meals.
This is a hard one! You're still on soft foods, so stick to what you know. I'd say order a soup (something non chunky) in a cup, not a bowl. Don't dip that lovly smelling bread in your soup... it hurts (oooh man I know from experience). I'd bet no-one would judge you if you ate lightly. IF you can handle potatos, I'd reccomend at the steak house the potato soup. OR a chili MIGHT be okay, again try it slowly!
For future resturnt referance: Appitisers are your friends. They're the right size. PRoblem is in a lot of places they're deep fried. I don't know about you or how you'll do later on but deep fried things HURT me badly. Maybe it'll be time to expirment with food choices. I know I found that sahimi and sushi (I just eat around the rice) are amazingly gentle on my still picky belly. Lots of resturants will give you a partial or half portion if you ask. Bread CAN be left of off sandwitches and burgers (I still can't handle groud beef, but turky and pork are good) Even a salad can be sized down. If your dearling is a food sharing type even the better. My hubby is NOT a food sharer, but my eldest daughter can't eat big portions of food, so often we'll split a main meal.
Go SLOWLY, don't feel rushed to eat as voraciously as your fellow diners. Go out! Have a good time! You can always enjoy the social experience if nothing else!
No, this is danger for your health. Going out in a month is ok. You should take light food in the restaurant. You order some grains and stuffed item and soup. This is enough to you. If you take the junk food. All the people having same problem that you are written. So please don't eat oily food.
Addiction Recovery Hawaii
Order a bowl of their chili with cheese. Chew thoroughly. I am 7 weeks out and have soups and chili from different places with no problems. Have them add cheese for extra protein. They also have a potato soup that is good, you just won't get as much protein from that one. I have had no problem with Wendy's chili by the way. I went to visit family at Christmas and found myself eating out a lot. I had a problem with dry chicken, but you can always eat a baked potato and veggies, then have a protein drink when you get home.
Stay away from the rolls and peanuts!
Stay away from the rolls and peanuts!