Day number 1 of the 5 day pouch test
I'm sure some of you have heard about the 5 day pouch test. I have been putting off doing it for a good month or so and always finding some excuse to do it tomorrow. I decided that today is the day that I would get things under control and things back in perspective for myself. I am a little over 2 years out and I have gained 20 lbs (thought it was less then that until I hopped on the scale this morning) and boy did it creep up on me and I didn't really notice it until I tried to get into my 5/6 jeans and they were pretty tight on the hips and butt area and then they didn't close because of my gut. I'm gaining weight in places where I never really ever have before and that scares me. But you know something, I really have no one to blame except for myself. Nobody made me eat the Halloween candy, Thanksgiving pies and the Christmas Treats. Candy, sugar, cookies, popcorn, icecream, and chips have no effect on me and I can eat them without any dumping or nausea. The only effect that it has had on me is fat. I used to think ohh..maybe a bite won't hurt but a bite has ended up becoming the whole thing and then some. Since all of this crap isn't dense protein, it just slides on through and I can eat alot of it. I don't know what made me want to eat it again but something triggered it and I'm still trying to figure that out. I think maybe it is because being able to eat those things make me feel like a normal person. What is sad is, I know how to eat and what I should be eating but I continue to make these poor choices for myself and then wonder why and how I got here. I think this has been a good wake up call for me and I'm tired of playing around.
So, like I said, I started the 5 day pouch test and things went well for about 6 hours. Day one and two is liquids. My husband knew I was doing this today and what does he do? Makes me scrambled eggs for breakfast. I didn't eat them but he did since I still don't eat a whole lot at meals. GRRRRR. I made it past breakfast and past lunch without eating and instead drank my skim milk, hot tea, and water. I gave it an honest try and tried to tell myself I wasn't hungry and kept myself occupied for awhile and I tried to ignore the hunger. I was sooo hungry that I broke down and had a half of a wheat roll with parkay, a small piece of cheese and two tablespoons of peanut butter. Since I ate it, I feel bad that I couldn't stick to all liquids for the day. I'm going to try and stick to the liquid diet the rest of the day and see if I can stick it out tomorrow. Tomorrow might be a little bit easier since I'll be at work and away from the food...but work is a good place for some donuts, cookies and CANDY!!! I may just go and drink my lunch in my car so I won't be tempted.
Has any of you done the 5 day pouch test and if so, what were your results on it..and how did you dig deep to find the will and determination to get through it and detox on the carbs and sugar??!!
Sorry for the rambling!
Yes, I have done the pouch test, with very good results. Im psyching myself up to do it again as soon as Christmas is over. There is just too much pressure with all the junk food around right now. I try my best to eat the right things, but have been slipping up occasionally, because like youl I dont dump on that stuff either! I wish I did!!
When I did the test the first time, I had a hard time with day one,,but made it through cause I drank soups as well, and that filled me up,,tomatoe soup made withmilk, broth, cream of chicken soup,,,after the five days my pouch was reset and I could only eat small portions, and was sensitive to sugar and fats again. I think I lost 4-6 pounds that 5 days. Remember though, the goal isnt to lose pounds, so if you dont, dont feel discouraged,,,its to reste the pouch to work like it did right after the surgery, so then its easier to stay on track, and lose.
Good luck to ya. Try setting a date on the calendar, get some groceries in that you can have, like jello, SF pudding, soups, protein shakes, and tell yourself everyday that when that day comes, its gonna be the day you start to take back control.
Dont beat yourself up, its the holidays and most folks fall prey to the temptations. We are human, after all. Keep weighing yourself so that you are aware of what is happening to your body,,drink your water regardless of what you eat, and start keeping track of everything that goes into your mouth. You will be surprised what an eye opener that will be and you will unconsciously cut back.
If ya need a Pouch Buddy, Im starting mine on December 26th!! Message me and we will start together,,we can do this!! And you will feel great! There is so much energy when ya do it! And all the cravings end!
Have a great holiday,,,
Thank you so much for your response! I'm really trying hard to focus on my pouch an resetting it by doing this test. I am suprised that I was able to stick to it today and I did nothing but liquids. At work about 4pm though, someone had a big thing of cookies and candies in a cute little tin. I sat there and I looked at it. I reallllllly wanted one cookie..just one. I was actually embarassing. I took a time out and went and got my journal. I evaluated myself as to why I wanted a cookie. I came up with the answer because it was there. I wasn't hungry but because it was there, I wanted to eat it. I also had a problem with the leftover rasberry chocolate birthday cake and actually lifted up the lid on it and just smelled it and I reallllly wanted a taste.just one taste. I caught myself and said to myself that just a taste got you here and then I grabbed my protein drink and sipped on it. It was really odd because once I tasted the drink, I didn't want the cake anymore but my brain still thought about it. I really focused on my thoughts about sugar today and how badly I wanted to stick to the pouch test.
I thought about what you wrote and I do appreciate your support and suggestions. Just send me a little note and I'll be more than happy to be a pouch buddy. Perhaps we can find others to join us!
Wishes for a great week!!

Hi Bridgett, I've never heard of the 5 day pouch test but then again I am only 3 weeks out. I, too, am finding that I can eat sweets and they have no adverse effect on me. I was expecting to have dumping or something. I am so glad to hear their are others that can eat sweets and have no problems. Well, not glad exactly but to know others exist. I am going to follow your example of journaling and just trying to find out WHY I want some of those things. Good luck on your pouch test. I'm praying you'll get the results that you want. Merry Christmas. Mary