Hit a wall and I can't climb it by myself!
Hello Friends,
I have hit the mother of all walls here. I have experianced no weight loss in about 3 months! I have gone up and down the same 2-3 lbs in that three months. I am 9 months post op RNY! Do other people have this happen; or am I just weak? Recently had an EDG after ulcers and strictures; all clear now! Dr also said stomach is not stretched out; and conections are good to go. So I know I haven't been a saint; no****ching my protein or water intake! I know you are all saying so what is the problem, get off your butt! I also gave up my depression meds; I am going to get back on them. I just need a boost to get over the hump. I need my OH friends, help, encouragement; and advise. I know some of you want to go rip me a new one; but please don't I already beat myself up enough! I just need to find my way again with a little help from my friends.. Sincerely, Judy R
Hi Judy,
I know how frustrating these times can be. It is very common starting around 9 months out to hit a plateau. I know it has been a few months for you and I can imagine this does not help you feel better. I often suggest to post op patients who are 9 months out and more to do the 5 day pouch test. I have done it and it has helped A LOT. I know others have had good experience with it as well. Even if your pouch has not stretched you can still use this to get your mind back into the mindset of eating small amounts and eating properly. By the third day I am already able to notice my eating has changed back to post surgery. You are NOT alone at all. I have been up and down with these same few pounds for 2 months now. I am having a very difficult time finding time to exercise lately. Now my treadmill is not working and that does not help at all. But, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to lose another pound.
Get in your water and protein intake. How many calories do you consume on an average day? This could also be part of the problem. I need to increase my calories in order to start losing again. Sounds weird, but our bodies do need calories for energy and to burn fat.
Please try the 5 day pouch test and maybe some of my suggestions? Then I hope you will get back to me and let me know how you are doing. I cannot imagine anyone would want to rip you a new one
We are all travelling the same road here and all hit the same bumps.
http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html ~ Terisa

I can TOTALLY relate to the wall. Only I've been up against it for nearly 18 months. I don't go up...I don't go down. I'm just tuck. I know my stomach is not stretched out, or at least not much, because I can't eat much more than I could before I hit the wall. I'm soooooo frustrated!!! I wanted to be at my goal weight a LONG time ago. I am sooooo upset and can't figure out what to do to get past this...any ideas???
Hi Connie,
Sorry to hear your frustration too; but nice to know we aren't alone. Others have emailed me about the plateau busters diet; and five day pouch test. I don't know how to send you the link but I am sure if you asked someone would. Guess we just have to keep on going on. Thanks for your friendship, and letting me know I am not alone. Best wishes to continued sucess, Hugs, Judy R
Thanks Judy! I found the link for the 5-day pouch test. I also did a search and found the plateau busters diet!! Now I just have to get busy!!! Yes, it is good to know we're not alone in this battle. I think the time I hit the plateau ironically coincides with when I was no longer able to go to my support group meetings. Interesting, isn't it? Support is SUCH a HUGE key in this battle!! Continued success to you as well!! Connie