It sounds like you are more addicted to the chemical reactions/pleasures that you are getting from both of these rather than the acts themselves. It is going to be a challenge, but you may want to find something to do that gives you a similiar reaction and satisfaction. Often times people jog to release certain chemicals for that good feeling. I think you are going to have to really explore some activities you might enjoy. This could certainly take a while to find something that keeps you busy, gives you pleasure and comfort, helps you expell some of that energy of yours
and is good for you. I am not sure that you are addicted to sex, but an active sex drive is not necessarily a bad thing

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 1:50 pm
on 10/11/07 1:50 pm
Hi, Leawanda! Well, Kudos for putting it out there! It seems that we are all addicted to something that meets a need. When one addiction "stops", it's just replaced by another...old addicitons resurface from time to time also. I like Terisa's pleasure idea as it does make a lot of sense. Finding the right fit for an addiction is a tough one. Addiction is such a hard word, perhaps "coping" is mixed in there somewhere before what we are doing becomes upsetting to us. You might be a bit uncomfortable with the frequency of sex or the feeling of compulsion of sex. Glad that you're open to talk about it. Being thin or thin again for some WLS patients opens a "Pandora's Box" to us. Just looking at your pic, I can see that you are very attractive. Now may have seemed like a great time to let the libido go, except that you're expressing that sometimes you're uncomfortable with it. You want to calm down; not be hyperactive.. and by admitting that you've already begun the process. What's going on? When I feel compulsive, I am usually overwhelmed about something significant to me. Others may not get it, but it stirs up my emotions unbelieveably.
I am here for you. (((((Big Hug))))) Ro
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/07 12:01 am
on 10/13/07 12:01 am
Good Morning, Leawanda! What do you think you're missing or needing? It might help you find what you are truly looking for...that's why I asked, "What's going on?" Have you had a recent loss in your life? I don't mean to pry. I love the Burden info that you posted the other day and shared it with my husband and friend. Thanks. Ro
I feel the same way. went from a very active sex life to a very minimal one. I read somewhere that testosterone that we have that encourages our sex drives is kept in fat cells. therefore when you decrease your fat cells, that hormone decreases and therefore sex drive decreases. I am not sure about how scientific this is but I did read it on one of these boards a while back. I hope that helps. It made me realize that i wasn't nuts.
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/07 9:16 am
on 10/19/07 9:16 am
My sex drive is "broken". It's pathetic. Once I have been with my DH, I say..."Why don't I do this more often?" I go right back into a slump. I love him dearly so it's not our relationship. I have been with him when I was huge; now I'm saggy, but I don't think that's the problem. I heard recently that the average person (25-50 years old) has sex every 11 days... about 3 times per month. I guess that I fall into the range, but with a lot of "encouragement" from my DH. So...what's going on?
Leawanda, where does your "energy" for sex come from? I need some of your mojo!
BTW...I really will be ticked if I am the only one who has a dead sex drive. Not funny. I need to get the drive "on" because once I have PS and look "together" ... I don't want to be a dud in bed.