Truth sitting on my patio
Weird how some things about our compulsions sit there staring us in the face and we never see them? This weekend I have been doing a lot of projects around the house and one was organizing my two outside freezers. TWO. Ok, right there that says food hoarding problem. Well, I never really thought of it that way. I was just making sure I got in on good specials and always had something available for family. uh huh
The amount of meats I had frozen and split between the two freezers was rather sad to see. I don't eat much of it but I buy a lot of it. There's an issue I don't quite get. But the ten (TEN) boxes of nsa ice cream really made me sad. There were also quite a lot of small containers of leftovers. Again with the food hoarding.
I don't know of any solutions to these problems other than just keeping aware of what is out there and trying not to keep overbuying and hoarding.
Molly...heading to bed

Wow Molly,
Are we sisters? I do the same things! I have even gone into couseling before with this. I buy impulsivly and give myself many reasons and excuses: it was on sale, the grandkids will eat it, it isn't for me, I don't want to get it when it's off sale, there are many, many more! I think I have a strong addiction to food than I had even previously addmitted to myself!! I have boughten way more than I can even possibly use or give to others to do so too. And I have bought things I should have stayed away from as well.. What makes me think if I don't need it that my family does? You are not alone Molly.. Perhaps we can be there for one another.. Hugs and understanding, Judy R
Judy, one thing that got me started was a 60 Minutes segment I saw years ago about some 'diet' doctor somewhere who had his patients stock up on every good thing they've always previously denied themselves. They were told to eat as much as they want for as long as they wanted and his theory was that they'd soon feel safe having their precious foods around and stop feeling like they had to gorge on them and begin naturally leaving the stuff alone and lose weight. Not a quick weight-loss program but it was supposed to work with emotional eating.
This has been in the back of my mind for years and has sort of been an excuse I use for hoarding. What a bunch of hooey. I used to also lock up food in my sewing room along with other things we had to lock away from our teen daughter when she was giving us so much trouble. When I got approved for surgery I moved all the treats out and have only put back the ones that are no temptation to me and some of my protein bars that are a temptation to the kids. I refuse to keep 'sneak food' in there anymore. That is just a baby step but at least it is something I've stuck with since last fall.
You bet we can be there for one another! Nobody else understands us.
How do you gain control back when you feel like you're losing it? I keep convincing myself that I will, but in the "start tomorrow" pattern. Unless I'm being too hard on myself, but I feel like I'm having such a hard, emotional time with this lately. I just want to stop thinking about food and not be addicted to it. Any suggestions
If I really want it shouldn't that make me do it? I mean I don't do NEARLY as bad as I used to, but its these temptations are such a struggle for me.

Get rid of the 'start tomorrow' pattern. Make it 'start now'. Whatever else has happened today is already over and beating yourself up over it won't change it and will probably only make you feel guiltier and make you want to eat more. Why wait till tomorrow to start fresh. Do it now. I have to try to remember to apply that thinking a lot and very often it works great. Give it a try.