the damages we can do when we dont eat
I know I haven't been posting much lately at what has been going on with me. I've been having some issues with my eyes. Blinding headaches bright rainbow like lights in them to the point of being unable to focus for hours and I'm just now finding out why this is happening.
Our bodies have a very unique way of letting us know in many ways there is a problem somewhere be it from not getting enough vitamins or nutrients to keep our eyes an bones healthy. I was rushed to my optometrists office yesterday at 3pm because of the blinding lights in my eyes thinking it was the problem I've had since before wls. I have Lattice degeneration with holes in both eyes I was diagnosed with this way back early in 04. But this is not what seems to be causing the problem.
After a very lengthy exam complete with the wonderful drops that really make it hard to see. My eye doctor is concerned it is not my eyes that are the problem but they are sending out a warning. He believes my heart has a problem my blood pressure has been unbelievably low the last few months due to being so anemic and he is concerned that the blood flow is being restricted somewhere either from a blockage or the fact my heart is working so hard just trying to pump enough to circulate through my body it is causing major presure changes within my eyes themselves. There are a number of factors that this can be blamed on. #1 being malnutrition and vitamin deficencies. #2 genetics which is very possible as well as heart problems do run wild through my family along with diabetes which is the 3rd factor in all of this.
He is sending the information he collected to my PCP along with a referal to consult with a cardio specialist to work me over and make sure that my heart is not misfiring. As I do have a very slow heart rate (a problem since birth) they want to make sure I do not need a pacemaker placed to help stablize the beat and keep my heart beating regularly. My oncologist has been concerned for weeks with how low my presure has been but has been hopeful that with the iron infusions my levels would rise enough an stablize but so far this has not been happening. After walking across a large parking lot and up a flight of stairs and half way around the hospital wing my blood presure is still only 70/50 is it any wonder I've been so tired and cold?
Yes alot of this could of been avoided if I had listened and did what I was suposed to do eat and take my vitamins as directed I'm not saying this for sympathy I'm letting you know you can do real damage if you do not follow your doctors instructions carefully. I wont know the extent of the damage for awhile but I want to remind everyone to please don't neglect yourself if you feel something isnt right get it checked out dont wait thinking its just going to go away on its own because it isn't. It will only get worse.
HI Dawn,
Sorry you are going through so much; but you are so right. I have been dealing with vitamin deficencies; particularly B-1, B-12, calcium, and D. Lack of B-1 can cause permentant nerve damage; and or heart failure! I have been giving myself injections to catch up; and I am just now beginning to feel better. I agree there is no subsitute for caring for ourselves! So I second the preaching from the soapbox of higher learning the hard way! Sincerely, Judy R
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 1:59 pm
on 10/2/07 1:59 pm
Hi, Dawn! I am new to this board (lurked a few times earlier) so I missed this post.
Wow...scary...sure hope that you get good news (cured) soon. It seems like you have had more than you share of health problems. Thanks for trying to warn us... so sweet, especially, with all that you have to handle. I heard that an pacemaker Dr. told a BP patient not to get out of bed until he had sat up slowly and dangled his legs off the floor for a minute or two. I don't know if it works. I am going to suggest something that might have already been discussed by your Drs... How about adding a lot of salty foods and soups to your diet? How about drinking salty water too? Wouldn't that raise you BP? Just trying to help.... Ro