My name is Dee, and I have a problem
I forget to eat during the day, then eat of an evening, and afraid I eat too much, or I get sick. My calorie count isn't near what it should be for almost a year out, and niether is my protein. My hair started growing back in, and now it is falling out. I have been at a plateau so long, I am scared of not losing anymore, or gaining it back. I never want to go where I once was.
Hi Dee,
It is nice to meet you and I am so glad you came here.
Why do you think you forget to eat during the day? Are you just busy and then keep pushing it off, only to find that by evening you have not eaten anything?
When you do eat in the evening what are you eating and how much? Also, what are you getting out of it? Is there a reward for you? Obviously some people use food or many reasons. Yes, if you are eating too much at once or not properly chewing you will get sick. That also means that you body has not had enough time to absorb what it needs. You may not start gaining if you are not getting in enough, but your body is going to start to really suffer. It is starting with the hair loss.
Would some sort of schedule help you? I have no idea what your schedule is like, but typically we all have some soft of schedule especially during the week. For me I now make a protein shake now with yogurt and a banana every morning and have it as soon as I get to work. Then it is not like I am eating, only drinking and I get the cal and protein I need.
How is your protein intake?
I know it is scary to think you may not lose anymore and even worse to think you may gain. In order to correct this you may gain a couple of pounds as your body adjusts, but once it does you will begin to lose again. Your fear is very familiar to many of us on this forum.
How would you feel if we were to work on setting up a schedule for you? Would you feel comfortable with that? I really want you to be successfull in your weight loss and in order to do that we need to get you on a schedule and let's face it, structure helps. Let me know, if you are comfortable we can all work with you to come up with a schedule for you.
One last thing is I hope you do not feel like a failure because you are not. It is not easy to lose weight. Yeah it is exciting and even saves lives, but at the same time the fear of gaining or even expereincing body dismorphic disorder can be difficult to treat. Then we find ourselves in a terrible cycle. You have done a wonderful thing by coming here and telling us your are having problems and that is a big step. Let's take one more..and then another. We are here for you and will walk this journey with you.
Take care and have a wonderful Saturday...P.S. Please try to eat some breakfast.
Peace and blessings. ~ Terisa

Hi Terisa. Yes, I did eat this morning, and I am forcing myself to do a journal. My DH is helping me. I am not eating fast or anything of an evening, I just think it is cause I am not eating, then I feel sick, and I try to eat. I don't work right now, so my schedule is flexible.
I am gonna keep working on this, and I am sure with my DH, you and Dawn Sobers helping me out, and reminding me, I can get through this.
Hi Dee, I'm Dee :P I have alot of problems to with eating enough...fear, disinterest, yada....I have really forced myself to start logging my food on fitday and on the WLS grads board we post helps keep me accountable...I was probably averaging 800 calories daily until then but now up to 1000-1200(and have managed to lose 3 pounds in the month since then)...keep pluggin'! Dede
logging your food is a great thing. I also have a set time to eat and try to eat at that time whether I am hungry or not.. most of the time I am never hungry so could go forever without eating. I plan my meal out the day before and the times I eat. if I dont.. i know i would never get it all in. You may be on a platue just because your body is in starvation mode.. in truth.. both times I was on a platue i upped my calories and dropped like 10 pounds in a month.. its true.. Recently I was back to eating about 800 a day.. I know I am suppose to eat 1300 but just didnt want to.. i gained three pounds.. I brought my cals back up and the scale went back down.. the body thinks it needs to hang on to your fat if you dont eat which is not what you want.. so eat.. 5 meals a day. even if you dont want to.. i really does work. good luck
(deactivated member)
on 10/7/07 1:39 pm
on 10/7/07 1:39 pm
Hi, Dee! Today DH & I went to a Fall Festival. I knew that there wouldn't be many low cal foods there so I packed some soy chips (for in the car), an Atkins Peanut Butter Crisp bar (in my purse), and carried a water mixed with Wyler's SF lemonade. BTW, both of the above foods have good protein numbers.
I try to eat 3+ meals a day, just to keep the ole' ticker working!