help i'm lost for words
gbp 5/25/05....hello all i am asking for your help and support.i was first in and out of the hospital not able to eat or drink and i was so dehydrated they said my veins were completely flat that is was very painful to get a iv started or to keep one going,i cried so much from the pain.then i had 2 hernia repairs also,now all i want to do is eat for my system got so messed up from not hungry then dehydrated,being weak,tired and recovering from hospital stays and 2 repairs.and of course the insurance company had to help also they were putting me out of the hospital so many times too and i was not hardly able to keep my head up off the pillow being so weak and dehydrated w/ fast very fast weight lost then i was so depressed it took several trys for they found the right meds for me and having severe back pain and between the shoulder blades up the neck pain w/headaches too, also my legs are in bad shape knees are bad,one is bone to bone so i can't do too much exerciser for it makes it worse then i down on the bed for several days trying to get better over that.then beats it all they had me try so many drugs for pain that i was up then down then ready to give up.and alot of these meds caused me to binge yes i mean binge.i have gained 61 pounds and i hate body got so use to me binging from meds that it's almost like it was before please help,i need any and all.thank you inadvance.
this is what i feel like doing again hiding from the world and myself too.
yes i'm s

thank you all your crazy friend bonnie lol

First of all I want to say I am so sorry you had this kind of problem. Second may I ask for the inflamation an pain let me guess high doses of predisone, axifex, celabrex ,robaxion kepra and or steriod injections? I could go on an on with this list. Predisone is the biggest steriod and worst culprit when it comes to extereme an quick weight gain it is also a very dangerous med in other words never stop taking it cold turkey if you have been on it awhile you must be weened off it as it could stop your heart. I was on it off an on for nearly 8 yrs I could gain 50 in less then 30 days and then play hell trying to get it off.
Now that your home I hope your doing much better with the dehydration and are getting the right nuterients in your body needs. As for the pain I can relate I am seeing several specialists that I dearly adore who have all teamed up to help keep me as pain free as possible without massive doses of steriod use. Or pain killers and so far it is working. The weight gain is not your fault so no hiding its the medications and as soon as you can get free off them per your doctors ok the better.
I came over to this board to take a look around. I would like to start a small forum about eating disorders and how we can all help each other by talking over how we are dealing with the problem.
Do you think many would mind if a few of us crashed over here until we have a forum of our own? I think perhaps a few of them can even be helpful in your situation.
Hi Ro
I'm sorry I have not been around in awhile. I've been dealing with some health issues and I get the final verdict tomorrow afternoon. I find out if I am going to have to give up my mobility or lose my eyesight if the damage can not be repaired.
I've actually found a website where I can host a wls forum away from OH on my own but I need a little while to get it up an started. I promise I'll keep popping back to check on people. I've just got alot on my plate right now.