Different kind of food issue... need info re: counseler
I am hoping someone can give me some insight here.
I am 8 months post op, 1-2 pounds from goal and loving my new body.
However, I am already paranoid about regaining and sabotaging my hard work. I have found myself reverting to an old bad habit. I find that on occasion I will eat something just because it is there, it tastes good or it is the last piece...not because I am hungry. Actually sometimes I am full, but I eat it anyway.
I am worried about stretching my pouch and getting back to other bad habits.
I think it would be good for me to see a counselor of some sort to help me work through these food issues. My question is: who do I see? How do I find someone who specializes in (or has knowledge of ) food issues?
Thanks, Susan
Hey Susan!
First of all, congratulations on your success! You should be so very proud of all you have accomplished and thankful that you are able to recognize the "pitfalls" you may face that may sabotage your weight loss.
There are many of us out there in your very same shoes with those same feelings regarding weight gain and stretching our pouches. The fact that you are so aware of the possibilities is your first DEFENSE against it happening to you!
As for who to see? I don't really know what to tell you, but I might start with my surgeon. Because of the nature of our surgery and the "issues" that can go along with it, he/she may be in direct contact with a professional that will work with you to determine the proper way to handle your mental fears. Perhaps a nutritionist or a counselor is appropriate? Whatever the case may be, I would be willing to bet your surgeon has been approached with this in the past and can refer you to the right person.
Good luck in your search - keep us posted as to what you find out! There are probably a few of us out there that might need the same assistance!