Weekly Challenge Update - Week #4
Good Monday morning, gang!!!
Here's hoping everyone had a fabulous week and weekend!!
How did we do in our weekly challenge to change (or work on) that one thing that we might be struggling with in our daily lives? Anyone care to share?
I'll go first - although there is really nothing to tell. I spent the weekend out of town with family, so food choices were a little out of my control; however, I will say that I managed some decent choices when I might have otherwise been weak and chosen poorly. As much as I dislike structured exercise, I found that I actually missed my gym time, so I'm anxious to get back in there this afternoon and into my regular routine again.
I'm a little panicky about the upcoming weeks, as the holidays are right around the corner and, in addition, I have several weekend events that are going to pose some SERIOUS food challenges for me! Somewhere in my mind (several months ago), I had the idea that I would have these extra pounds under control by the end of the year. Now I'm simply hoping I can keep the scale from going UP in the next couple of months instead of worrying about losing!!!
Whew hew!! It's going to be interesting in the coming months!!!
So, how did everyone else do????? I could use some inspiration, so please feel free to share!!!

Good Morning, Kristi
Well, here I am, a day late, with a hangover to boot....Yep, I've been fighting with the boyfriend again. I went on another 2 day binge of beer and mindlessly munching all night long. We've been fighting ever since Sunday afternoon and while I do OK during the day, come nightfall he gets home, we fight and I say screw it! Why, oh why do we sometimes revert right back to what got us fat in the first place????? For the last two nights, I've been emotionally upset and I've sat on my front porch and drank beer and munched on whatever was in my cupboards and frig. And didn't care that I was doing it!!!! How smart is that?? OK, I'm done beating myself up now!
Back on track today.....I'll get my butt to the gym and work off those calories I consumed in the last 2 days....Thank god, I don't do this very often. I didn't even do this very much when I was fat. But in all honesty, we were fighting really bad....I don't know if this relationship will survive....it's my first "skinny" relationship, and it's been tough for me. Anyway, thats another thread...
Lets hope that the rest of the week goes a little for the both of us!
Hang in there, girlie!!! I know that you can find the strength you need to get back on track and set things straight!!
I know how easy it is to revert back to our "old" ways - and doesn't it just **** you off that it IS so easy??? Why is that????
One would think that, as far as we have come in this journey, we would be able to handle our stresses with other methods besides food, etc. Just goes to show that gastric bypass is just a TOOL and not a cure-all for what got us to obesity in the first place!!
Big hugs to you for sharing your struggles, admitting your weaknesses and aknowledging what you need to do to correct your mistakes!!
As for the boyfriend.... don't let your issues with him dictate how you treat yourself! You deserve better than that!! Everyone does!!
PS: Thanks for adding me to your friends list!!! Now, if I can maneauver my way around this new site format, I will send you the same invite!!!