Help! need healthy, easy food ideas...
Hi Nicole!
Depending on what you are currently able to eat, I would stick with simple stuff at wor****il you are comfortable with what foods you can easily tolerate. Nothing worse than feeling yucky or dumping while at work!!
When I went back to work following my surgery, I took protein shakes (AdvantEdge Carb Control), tuna (no mayo), canned chicken, string cheese, yogurts, cottage cheese, etc. It helped that I had no appetite, so meal planning wasn't a big issue, although it certainly helped to have everything available so there was no struggle in the thought process. Where I had a hard time was if someone at work suggested going out the eat - I wasn't to the stage of being comfortable making food choices outside of my planned meals, so I would generally just tag along and bring my own food. Everyone was very supportive.
Until you are to the point of expanding your food choices, keep it simple and you will do fine! Good luck!!

I am also a newbie, 3&1/2 weeks out, and one who doesn't like to put a lot of time into eating, preparing, cooking, etc. Blue Bunny Carb Freedom yogurt is a staple in my "at work" diet. It's the best I've found at the grocery store in regard to protein and sugar. I can't believe how much sugar is in yogurt!!! Other easy, packable lunch ideas include the little containers of lf cottage cheese, strained soups, laughing cow cheese wedges, liverwurst (though high in fat) sf, nonfat pudding. I also recently bought a tasteless protein powder that you can sprinkle on/in things, though havn't used it enough yet to recommend or not. I bring a ?thermal? lunch bag with one of those blue ice packs and keep 2 servings of protein shakes (in little 4 oz tuperware-type containers), an extra bottle of water, my vitamins, disposable baby spoons, my food diary, and my breakfast and lunch (in their own, or small tupperware-type containers) in it and I am set for the day. I am not a "lunch bag" kind of person (too much thinking ahead!), but I think that is one of the things I will have to accept, at least for now. Good luck and good health!