Weekly Challenge Update - Week 3
Well, here we are.... Week 3 of our "Challenge to Change" just one thing about ourselves and/or our daily routine.
How has everyone faired this week??
Anyone care to share successes or struggles???
I'll jump in and brave the waters first......
I hate to admit it, but this week was a tough one for me. I managed to do fairly well until about Wednesday, when my stresses seemed to take over and I gave in to my lack of will power. I had family coming to the house for the weekend (stressful enough as it is!) and a wedding to shoot on top of that, so my stress level was way out of control and I didn't handle it well. There was BAD food (
) everywhere in my house this weekend and I totally blew it. I ate terribly most of the weekend and man, do I feel the results now!!!
Interestingly enough, I made the comment to my husband yesterday that my body felt like total crap because of all the horrible food that I ate during the last few days. He laughed and said, "Well, how sad is it that I ate the same stuff and I don't feel bad at all? Guess my body is used to eating junk."
I had to really think about this comment and what it meant to me. I find it so very intriguing (even at 3+ years post-op) that I'm still so amazed at how my body reacts to foods that I have (otherwise) abused my entire life!!
Okay, so is there a moral to this story??
I guess the bottom line is that regardless of the fact that I "fell off the wagon" so to speak, my body was there to remind me that it can't tolerate that kind of behavior on a regular basis any longer and let me know it by leaving me feeling sluggish, bloated, and just blah. Once again, that wonderful "tool" of weight loss has prevailed again!!!
So, today is a new day.
And it's time for me to get right back on track with where I left off last week. And so I had a few bad days.... no need to wallow in self-pity and anger and beat myself up about it. Move on, move up and be positive about a better week!!!
Anyone else care to share????
(and yes, despite my pitfalls, I'm STILL dancing!!! Whew hew!!)

Well, I was trying to do a month without sugar (starting from last Tuesday, the night of our support meeting), and well, it lasted about a day! I am trying to start over today and have had two cookies - I just got to get the "JUNK" out of my system, so for the rest of today - no sugar. I have had severe anemia over the past year from an ulcer I did not know I had (not going to doctor regularly), but now the problem is fixed and I have energy and am determined to lose this 50 POUNDS I have gained. I find when I am trying to eliminate sugar, I do better eating all around - make lots of healthier choices, so here we go again.
I finally do have so much more energy and can get back to exercising and eating right!! So, thanks for the update on the challenge and I am going to start back coming over to this site for encouragement from you guys and gals-
Good for you, DeAnna!!!! Way to go!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!
And since you mentioned the "nicely sore" stomach muscles, I guess I should note to myself that, despite my poor eating habits this weekend, my thigh muscles got a tremendous work-out during that wedding, what with all the squats I did while shooting!! The personal trainer at the gym would be PROUD!!
So, all was not a total loss!!!!!

Hello girls!
Well, it wasn't much better for me this past week either....I've been getting pretty pissed off about those 10 lbs not coming off. Even after busting my butt at the gym for the last month! 5 or 6 days a week, 30 to 40 minutes of cardio and at least a half hour of weight training at the machines!
Anyway, I finally went to a sports nutrition store. You know, the kind designed for body-builders. They sell supplements, protein powders etc and they also have a guy there who is trained in sports nutrition. Well guess what? He thinks that the 15 lbs I put on, is about half muscle. I told him the whole story, I am a WLS patient, blah, blah, blah....told him how much weight I lost, how much I weigh now, how much I want to lose, etc.
Now I know this guy could be just wanting to hire him as my personal nutritionist, (so he could be blowing smoke up my you know what...) but he explained to me the last 10 or 15 pounds I orginally lost, was probably muscle. He said that he has worked with many WLS patients and this happens to all of us. We lose muscle and then after a couple of years we get healthier, and gain some muscle back.
(I thought it was kinda weird that the scale said I was 165 and I could still fit my my size 8's! A little snug, but very wearable!)
After talking to him for about an hour, I got a lot of info out of him! And I didn't have to pay his $150. an hour fee! I've read a lot on the subject of weight gain/ muscle gain, but it just wasn't clear to me. It is a lot easier to understand when someone explains it to you. So I feel a lot better! He said that the most I would probably lose would be another 10 pounds, if that. But....I would be shrinking. I would definately get into my 8's, get them baggy on me once again and might still fit back into my 6's!! I can tell I'm getting more toned and getting smaller. I was also told that a person can completely change their body in 90 days! Just 3 months!! If you work out 5 or 6 days a week, that is. And really be dedicated about it. What powerful info! I am thrilled to hear this. I was really getting down on myself. It's frustrating to work really hard and not see the scale go down, like in the past. Well, this explains it!
I am having a little problem with my blood suger dropping really low, after a workout, so I'll have to keep an eye on that...
Good for you Kristi, for recognizing how differently food seems to you now. Food is for fuel....(or at least most of the time, for me anyway!) I know we all have our stressful moments, (or weekends) and kudos for us, for picking ourselves back up and keep on going!! Have a great week!

Wow, Lyn!!! Thanks for the powerful information!!!! It couldn't have come at a better time for me, as I am struggling with the same work-out issues - I don't see the scale moving, but I definitely see some improvements in the clothes and muscle tone of legs and arms.
Also very encouraging to hear what he had to say about being able to change your body in 90 days..... I had a personal trainer (I declined to hire him BEFORE he made this following comment) tell me last week that everything that I am currently doing at the gym (35-40 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weight training 5 days per week) isn't going to do me a bit of good - that I need to spend at least once a week with him for SIX MONTHS in order to see any kind of results. How's that for scare tactics??? Sad, huh? Needless to say, I was quite discouraged by his attitude, but the fact that I was more pissed off only benefited me in the long run.... I thought to myself, "Well, I'll just show him!"
Again, thanks for the great info!! I really needed it!!
Best of luck for a great week!