15 months post op and struggling
Hi All, I need a little support. I am 15 months post-op and have lost 139lbs, it was 144 but I've gained 5 lbs in the past 2 months. I am addicted to chocolate and can't seem to go a day without eating it. I am so frustrated! I don't know what to do, everything I have tried doesn't seem to work. I know I can't be the only person struggling with this, please if you are dealing with the same or similar issue contact me. Or if you have dealt with this and successfully "beat it" please contact me. I don't want my food addiction to get the best of me. I have worked so hard to get where I am, but I feel like I have no control. This is the one thing that didn't go away with the surgery and I wi**** had.
Lost and Frustrated -
Good Morning, Christine!
Have you tried substituting a protein bar, for that sweet craving? Or a protein drink? There's also several chocolate flavored yogurts out there that aren't bad...I know that these items are not as yummy as the real thing...but I know that the protein bar thats my favorite, really relieves that chocolate craving for me!
Also water loading, fills me up, so I'm not hungry. And when all else fails, get out of the house and take a walk...read a book....or do anything else that distracts you.
Whoever said we took the easy way out, was soooo full of it!!!!
Hang in there and keep on, keeping on! This too shall pass!
Thank you so much for the advice. I don't really like the chocolate protien bars, they just don't taste right. But I guess if the quell the craving I'll have to deal with the taste. The chocolate yogurt is a good idea, I never thought about that. When I go to the grocery tomorrow, I'll have to look at the labels to see which is the best choice. I have a hard time getting my water in, so I don't know if the water loading will work, but I have been trying harder to get more in lately. I'll have to try even harder.
I know it is unrealistic to believe I will never eat a specific food again, but I wish I could do that with chocolate and even sweets in general! The worst day of my post-op life was the day I realized I could eat sweets wtih no consequences. I stay away from fat, grease and salt with no problem. If I do have something that has too much of one of them in it I get sick. Oh how I wish I would get sick from the sugar.
I appreciate the support and the encouragement.
Thanks ~ Christine
Hi Christine!!!
Yep, that's me, too!
Although my craving isn't always for chocolate, it is always for something sweet!! I curse the day I ever "tried" something sweet following my surgery. If I had just kept telling myself that I could NEVER have anything with real sugar in it again, I wouldn't be on this roller-coaster..... but then again, that isn't reality, is is??
We all know that life includes sugar - in some form or fashion. So we just have to decide which fashion to "wear" to appease our craving......
I like Lyn's idea of the protein bars/shakes. Whenever I want something sweet, I have one of my protein shakes (chocolate flavor) which has a tendancy to leave a sweet taste in my mouth for a long period following consumption, so that helps. The water loading also helps, especially if I feel the craving coming on and can do something about it before it hits full force.
I always "allow" myself something sweet in the evenings - I try to stay nutritionally conscious of that treat so that I stay within my personal guidelines for the day, but sometimes I'm not always successful; however, allowing myself a little treat alleviates that "I can't EVER have it again" syndrome that so many of us deal with in our quest to be healthy!
Congratulations on the fact that you are conscious of your pitfalls and are passionate enough to do something about it!!!
Good luck!!!

I can remember the day I tried something sweet. I too wish I never had. My sweet craving is the one craving that did not go away with the surgery that I wish had. The worst day of my post-op life was the day I realized I could eat sugar with no consequences. I talked to the doctor about it, but I didn't get the answers I thought I would. I was disappointed.
I am very frustrated with myself. I am disappointed that I allowed myself to do something I shouldn't. I know it is unrealistic to believe I will never eat a specific food again, you are right it's not reality! I just wish I had been able to stave off the temptation a while longer, to really give my body and mind the opportunity to adjust to a new way of eating and thinking about food.
Thanks for the support, advice and encouragment they are greatly appreciated! It's also nice to know that someone else is struggling with the same issue. The feeling of being alone, sucks almost as badly as the shame of admitting the slip up.
Thanks Again ~ Christine
Hang in there, Christine!!!!
We are all going to have good days and bad days, but so long as the good days are more than the bad, I call it success!!
And remember - there is NO SHAME in admitting the slip up! That is how we deal with it and move on!! When you WON'T admit the slip up is when you are in real trouble!!!

i'm two and a half yrs post op and have the same problem. if it weren't for the chocolate and ice cream bouts....i'd long be at my goal wt. i had the band and have no problem with foods i should be eating....i have great restriction. the problem is chocolate and ice cream just "slip" right down.
i do find if i keep my protein levels up, there's less cravings. i bought designer whey chocolate flavor and have that when i crave chocolate. it's actually pretty good. i mix one pint of skim milk with one pint of cold water and a scoop and a half of the powder. it's very light and creamy.
i've lost 110# so far and feel wonderful......i would like to lose the last 40# and i'd be set.
hang in there.....kathy