Weekly Challenge????
Okay, folks -
Our board has been entirely too quiet lately!!! I know there are many out there that are struggling with similar issues - not getting enough protein, not enough water, lack of exercise, weight gain, etc. We have all been there on one (or all) of these issues, so I know I am not alone!!!!
I'm proposing a weekly challenge to all those interested.
Nothing hard.
Nothing complicated.
Nothing radical.
Just something that will help us all get back on track - by leaning on one another for support, encouragement, and simple hoorays!
Are you up for it???
Here's my challenge to everyone: Change just ONE thing in your quest to get back on track with your weight loss. JUST ONE THING. Perhaps it is to drink more water for the week, or to exercise more consistently for the week, or to get more protein in daily.
It's your choice. But it's only ONE thing. Concentrating on one thing at a time and changing little things along the way make the light at the end of the tunnel much brighter than trying to change everything at once. All too often, we get mired down in where we USED to be in our weight loss progress. When the weight was falling off, it was so easy to not have to deal with all these little changes. Now it's not so easy, but it's certainly not impossible!!
And with everyone's support, we can certainly change TOGETHER!!!
I am challenging myself to get in all my protein (90g) every day this week.
Choose your challenge and join me?????

(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 1:09 am - Leander, TX
on 9/25/06 1:09 am - Leander, TX
I'm in! I have been doing a decent job on the protein, excellent on water intake, exercise um.....what exercise, and WAY TOO MANY CALORIES. So, my one thing this week is to get those calories down to 1000. I got my order of sample protein drinks from wlssupplies.com. I'm loaded with protein and ready to lose some weight. I might try to throw in a walk or workout too, but the calories are my focus for this challenge. Thanks for motivating me!
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 2:19 am - Leander, TX
on 9/26/06 2:19 am - Leander, TX
Yeah Melissa, We can do it! The little changes make big differences in the long run.
Hi Kristi!
OK, so I'm a little late, but count me in as well! I've gained 15 lbs in the last 6 months or so. I've lost 5 and I'm still struggling with the last 10.
What I'm working on this week? Snacking!! Bad habit to develop, hard one to stop! But I will succeed!
See everyone on Monday!