Some thoughts on head hunger
This is my very first post, so I am a little nervous. I am waiting for insurance approval before scheduling a roux-en-y, and am ready to make the changes that will be necessary to give me a second chance at life. Anyway, I just wanted to share a little thing called
"HALTT", that you may find useful in evaluating what is going on in your head when you think you are hungry. If the sensation of hunger is not coming from your stomach, these are the things that are often triggering the desire to eat: Hungry, Angry, Lonely (Bored), Tired or Thirsty. After figuring out what is really going on, grit your teeth and fix the actual problem that caused the sensation in the first place. If you are really tired, then go to bed. If you are angry, admit that you are really angry and decide what you need to do about it. For many years I felt "donuts" instead of feeling angry. Just actually realizing that I was angry helped the craving for donuts to go away. I am amazed at how often my brain sends me the signal to eat when I am really thirsty. Are my lips and tongue on the dry side? Then drink something. I learned the concept of HALT from AA & OA, because these things can also trigger drinking in the alcoholic. If you think that this is simplistic, just take what you like and leave the rest. I know I haven't got the hang of "feeling" yet, sometimes that is the last thing that I want to do. I do know that God gave us feelings for a reason, and I really don't need to fear them. Anyway, I've gotten over the initial hurdle of posting for the first time, and look forward to continuing on in this journey we call "life" with all of you.
(deactivated member)
on 9/17/06 1:25 pm - Leander, TX
on 9/17/06 1:25 pm - Leander, TX
Wow, that's good. I know I eat for emotional reasons, but I never really think about it BEFORE I eat. I think I'll give this a try. If I only ate when I was actually hungry, it would probably be once or twice a day. The rest of the time it's either emotions or cravings. Thanks for sharing this concept from OA/AA. I know I thought about attending an OA meeting, but then of course I talked myself out of it thinking I don't have that kind of problem, I just need to get control of myself. Well, maybe there is more to my eating than I want to deal with. Good luck on getting your insurance approval quickly.
Well put, Linda!!!
I've never heard of the HALTT method before, but it certainly makes a LOT of sense and will give me something to think about BEFORE I make a wrong food choice for the wrong reasons!!
Thanks for sharing!
Good luck with your journey.... please keep in touch with your progress!!!