Gained Weight? Let me see if I can help you.
Last week Thursday I was sitting here reading this board, eating a can of Reduced Fat Pringles and drinking a diet coke. What's wrong with that picture? A lot.
Anyway, I was reading about others who had gained weight and were struggling, much like myself. I am 3 years post op. I started at 289 and droped to 165lbs. Last August after going on Depo, I gained 20 lbs. I couldn't figure out why until folks told me that Depo has made a lot of people gained weight and is not good for you. I became very unhappy. I ate like I was normally doing and then some.
So back to last Thursday. I was at 192. I was reading what others were saying about their snacking and I looked at my hands and said "Enough." There were others who were trying to post helpful ideas to get back on track. I took the can of pringles and poured it into the dog food di****ook any other Low Fat snack I had and did the same.
Then I made a grocery list. Everyone says eat a lot of Vegetables and some fruit. So I bought a ton of Vegetables. The greens as well as some carrots. And FF Ranch Dressing. Pour only a serving size and once that's gone, your veggies go naked. Don't coat your fruit with anything. I also bought some low fat yogurt and sugar free Jello. Like Ice Cream? Freeze your yogurt and take it out about 1.5 to 2 hours before you want to eat it and you got a perfect serving of frozen yogurt without all the added garbage. Sugar Free Jello is 10 calories per serving and Fat free. I also bought low fat string cheese. But don't eat all your snacks together. And make Vegetables all of your snacks but one. Don't eat cheese for all 3.
About Yogurt, you can go for the sugar free kinds to the low sugar kinds. Keep it low. I like a few different types and here is what I want to share.
Breyers Light Yogurt 8 oz, 110 Calories or less, ~1.5g fat, 10 sugars or less & 8g of Protein I was surprised about that protein in those. Freeze these yummy flavors for when you want that Frozen Yogurt.
Dannon - They have the Light & Fit Carb & Sugar control or just the light & fit. I buy the multi packs with the 4oz cups that are 45 calories each.
If you go to Google and check out either of those products websites you can find out more. I read the TOS and it didn't say anything about linking websites. If I am not to do so, Mods pls just remove the links
I then made some goals.
If I am going to snack, it will be Vegetables, fruit, a yogurt or jello.
I will not drink half hour before and one hour after I have eaten. I was not doing this before. I was drinking while eating. With this change I've noticed all week that I was getting fuller faster and staying full for WAY longer periods of time.
Other goals I'll work towards but only a few at a time:
No eating in front of the computer. (When I changed what I was snacking on, this one kind of just fell into place and I do it a lot less)
Drink a ton of water
No eating after 7
Remember, Sugar Free does not mean Fat Free. Fat Free does not mean calorie Free. If you must snack, don't graze. And eat your Vegetables. Stay clear of any chips or rice cakes or peanuts or peanut butter et****il you can control yourself. After a week you'll notice it is WAY easier.
So where was I? Ok, well it's Saturday morning and I am at 185 lbs. So far so good.
If you're a mom or dad and find this hard, remember, you're the parent. Your kids will eat what you buy them. If you don't buy them candy or junk food or cakes or ice cream or so forth, they won't die. They'll either eat the food choices you make for them or just not snack. And isn't that a good thing? Of course kids need energy but make good choices for them too. They'll come around to eating what is good for them.
(deactivated member)
on 9/16/06 4:39 am - Leander, TX
on 9/16/06 4:39 am - Leander, TX
Preach it SISTER! I am right there with you. I love the idea of throwing out all the low fat snacks. Isn't that what got us fat in the first place, trying to snack our way thin? I think you have some great plans here and your weight loss proves it. I know once I stopped drinking with my meals (last month) I felt fuller on less food and it laster much longer too. Just this week I have added some protein drinks into my day. I haven't tried the yogurts but that sounds like a great snack. I never thought of freezing them, but it's a great way to keep portions in check. It's so easy to dish out more than 1/2 cup of low sugar ice cream, but if it's a container of yogurt there is only one serving. I really think that not eating after 7 is great. I know for me, the majority of my food intake is after noon until bedtime. I have to have something right before bed, but there is no reason why that couldn't just be a protein drink. Thanks for sharing your new found motivation. I love to hear about empowered people and love the support of my fellow losers! Best of luck.
Hi Brandy!
I take in about 150+ grams of protein a day, but I have MANY mini-meals, and this is not only good for absorption, but it is so easy to tolerate in the pouch. For example:
I woke up and had an Edge Cafe Caramel Protein Shake in the can...I like these, and it gives 15 grams of protein.
Upon arrival to work, I had a sugar-free cinnamon Swirl instant oatmeal. Tasted great and went down nice and warm (it's raining here LOL)...
In about an hour or so I will have a Snickers Marathon Low Carb Protein Bar - 15 grams of protein.
Later, I will have another shake. And so on - you get the idea...I also eat very nice, balanced dinners which are always some type of meat, chicken, or fish, grilled or baked (not fried or breaded or anything like that), with some fresh veggies, and I usually stay away from high glycemic carbs like pasta, rice, potatoes and breads, although they are OK in small quantities...
I find that by eating (NOT grazing, but planned eating) every couple of hours throughout the day, until I go to bed, my blood sugar stays great, I feel energized, I never get hungry, and my weight is constant and on track. Also, when I was in losing mode early on, and I was following this plan, I hardly ever had a plateau, and the weight came off steady and quickly, although I was also being quite active.
Have a great day!!
I am going to try what you do daily and see if I can get the rest of my weight off. I need to lose about 80 more lbs. I'm wondering about your eating plan. My doctor told all of us to eat 3 small meals a day. No more, no less. Include a protein drink during the day if I got hungry. It sounds good, however, I seem to get hungry or I feel like I over eat. It's always something. Did your doc tell you this plan was a good idea after wls? I had a LapRNY and had no problems whatsoever.
Thanks for the info!
Hi Sara -
I don't give medical advice, but rather I advise everyone to find what works for them. Our surgeons are amazing - they know their skills well, and they are fabulous "mechanics". However, in my own belief, when they apply a blanket eating plan to every type of patient, they just do NOT know it all - both the surgeons and the nutritionists don't live in our shoes.
I follow what works for me. My philosophy is the same as the ObesityHelp philosophy on eating (and the entire medical community is changing more and more as time goes on!), that eating multiple mini-meals throughout the day seems to be much more effective than three meals, at controlling not only hunger, but steadying blood sugar levels and other things.
So, my advice to ANYONE is this - - EDUCATE yourself on your own - don't count on others to lead your way. Find out through tons of research online what really works, and then use what really works for YOU as an individual. But, 3 meals, especially when we are limited in absorption, just makes no sense to me anymore. When I tried that, I was STARVING, and I often ended up grazing, or over-stuffing. Screw that! LOL......
If you need anything, just click on "email me" and I will respond to you very quickly!
Have a great day,

Thank you so much for the post! I am about 3 years out and have gained roughly 30lbs back because I haven't (obviously!) kept following the rules. I found this website the other night and it has really helped me to "go back to the basics". Thanks so much for the suggestions, I will definatly be keeping them in mind when I go to the market later.
Thanks again!
Hi Brandy,
I see that your post is dated Sept. 06 but I just found it and I want to say THANK YOU!!!! So many of us, like me, are afraid to admit that they have fallen off the wagon. I have been on a permanent platue it seems. I haven't lost weight since about 6-7 months (no weightloss for over 1 year) out from surgery. I just had an upper GI series only to prove that there is nothing wrong and it's all me at this point.
I have printed your diary entery and it is going up on my fridge!!!
Today is a new day and I am worth every bit of energy that God has provided me with.
I just had my protein shake and am getting ready to power clean for some minor exercise.
Your words of wisdom are touching and inspiring!!!