Just my blog about my liquid diet, did I say 1 week? lol
(deactivated member)
on 9/15/06 6:50 am - Leander, TX
on 9/15/06 6:50 am - Leander, TX
Ok, it's late afternoon on my second day of liquid diet and I was STARVING. In my head of course. I gave in and had a handful of almonds and a South Beach protein bar. (by the way they are new at Wal-mart, Cranberry Almond flavored, 140 calories and 10 grams protein but 7 grams of sugar. A little too sweet, but I don't dump so I enjoyed it) I don't think the liquid diet is going to work. I mean, it certainly is shedding some light on why I eat, which is head hunger. However, it is also setting me up for a bad habit because I am drinking all day long, everytime I get the head hunger I grab another protein shake or make more soup. When I eat whole food, I am pretty good about limiting it to 3 meals a day, but then I do snack on bad foods because I see them in the pantry and crave them. It's the snacking that is getting me, but I am allowing myself to "snack" on the liquid diet by drinking soup whenever I want. I read through the little booklet I got from my surgeon in January. I think I mentioned that when I had surgery 4 and 1/2 years ago there was no follow up diet plan recommened by my surgeon. So, reading through it I saw that it says to get rid of all the junk food in your house. That your kids don't need it either. I know that is how I did the Atkin's diet when I lost the last 50lbs of my weight after surgery. I just got rid of everything I couldn't have except for some bread and treats that were good for my kids but didn't appeal to me. I made sure to buy low carb or whole grain bread for myself, so I never felt deprived and we were all eating basically the same meals. The only difference was that the kids had additional carbs that I didn't mind avoiding. So maybe that's the key for me. If I get rid of all the stuff I am drawn to except the good proteins and good carbs, maybe I'll make it easier for myself to avoid snacking. If there are no Cheetos and popcorn in the house, I won't eat them. I am not the type of person to run to the store just to satisfy a craving. I know that I wanted a revision and I posted about that. But there is nothing mechanically wrong with my pouch and I did lose 10lbs last month. I guess I just want to see the weight fall off like it did right after surgery. Being realistic though, 10lbs in a month is amazing. I only averaged that in the 6 months following surgery. So, in essence I am losing weight just like I did after surgery, without the pain and vomiting here and there. I guess I am going to end my attempted liquid diet, but use it as a learning experience. I did learn that I need to supplement my protein with shakes and drinks because I do not like chicken breast and the protein sources I do like are high in calories. I hate eating breakfast and found that I feel just as full after drinking a protein shake for breakfast as I did trying to choke down eggs. I get more protein for the same calories if I drink the shake. I just wanted to kind of blog my thoughts here and confess that I just can't go on with my liquid diet. I hope no one is offended or thinks less of me that I am giving in. It's done in the best interests of my long term success.
Kudos to you for trying!!! The fact that you gained the added knowledge of being able to recognize and identify your head-hunger issues is a HUGE milestone in my book!!! Determining WHY we are falling back in to our bad habits is the next hurdle. Some issues will be easier to recognize than others, but we have the ability to do it!!!
I am currently sitting alone in my house .... with not a single sweet thing ANYWHERE in sight!! Believe me...... I have contemplated the idea of putting on my shoes, getting in the car, driving to the store, getting out of the car, walking in to the store, buying something sweet (and we all know it won't just be ONE thing - there will be mulitply sweet items in the basket!), checking out (feeling humiliated), walking back out to the car (feeling defeated), driving home (feeling guilty), and finally, hiding in my house, eating the sweets and hating myself for having given in to the demons in my head! WHY, WHY, WHY do I put myself through all of this??????
Fortunately, instead, I am sitting here at the computer, typing my little fingers to the bone
(and whining
) and DRINKING MY WATER!!!! I have not given in to any cravings!! The numerous other carb dangers are lurking in the kitchen, but for the moment, I am satisified that I can make it through this night without buying in to my head hunger issues. I know that what I am fighting right now is boredom, plain and simple. If I sit in front of the TV for the evening, I get soooo bored and find myself wandering into the kitchen, as if there would be anything remotely different in there than the last time I wandered through?!?!?!?
It's so frustrating..... but I figure that if I can make it ONE DAY without going overboard.... it doesn't even have to be a perfect day.... just ONE day with relative control over my food issues, then I think I can start to feel more power to win future battles!!!
Onward and Upward!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/06 3:07 pm - Leander, TX
on 9/15/06 3:07 pm - Leander, TX
You made me laugh at the detailed description of buying the sweets. I can picture myself doing that. My worst time is always late at night too. I have to have a bedtime snack. I have always been that way since my first pregnancy. I don't know why, but during pregnancy I would actually wake up starving if I didn't have something right before bed. I still have that mentality and I cannot go to bed hungry. Now in high school and college I thought is was a great accomplishment to feel hunger pains as I tucked myself in. Not now though. I have to be comfortable. My challenge is to not eat so much in the evenings that I put myself over my calorie allowance. I try to stay between 1000-1500 a day. If I go over that, I will not lose and likely gain. I am adding the protein shakes back into my diet. I think that will help during the first part of the day because I am not truly hungry until lunch. Then of course I am hungry at dinner and want that bedtime meal. I eat as much or more than anyone else, I just do it all after noon. Good luck on conquering your cravings and head hunger. I think that is what we all battle.
I have to admit that I can chuckle about the description of buying the sweets NOW - but at 10:00 last night, I certainly wasn't laughing! It was all I could do to last until bedtime without blowing it! What do you think it is about evenings/nighttime that triggers our head hunger? I'm pretty sure that mine is boredom, but I, too had gotten in to that habit of a late-night (9:00 or so) snack - always something sweet. It's like a drug... I don't feel the need for it any other time of day - just at night. Too weird!!
But, I did it! I got through that ONE day without "cheating". The scales showed it this morning, when I reluctantly stepped up and had lost 4 1/2 pounds since Tuesday (week ago)!! I am THRILLED!
Went to the gym this morning.... hubby went along to "check things out", so I didn't really get a chance to do a big work-out, which is okay. Moderate start for right now is good for me. I will be back in there tomorrow (with my work-out buddy) for a "normal" routine. I did manage about 10 minutes on the "Weight Loss" program of the elliptical machine...... another LOVE/HATE relationship I feel developing with that machine! I'm just happy to be able to coordinate my arms and legs without falling off the damn thing!
Have a great day!!!!!