where is every one ?
hey guys how is everyone i know i havent checked in for a while but i thought that when i did there would be alot more posts im still struggling every single minute i seem to do good at work but when im home i go hog wild and eat eat eat why im not hungry if anything im bloated and very uncomfortable ya know ? well going to curves in the morning when i get off good luck everybody its a fight but its a fight we have to win together
Hi Sheila - I know, I check in here, too, but it always seems I must be the only one who struggles...
I finally got back on track this last week. I am only six months out but almost at goal and feel I haven't had the time yet to change my lifestyle or eating habits. But I have made myself get back to getting all my protein in, drinking more than my allotted water, writing EVERYTHING down, and only eating at planned meal and snack times. It has been hard, because for about a month I have been grazing all day long. Luckily I did not do myself any permanent damage, and this week my weight has started back on its downward course.
Hang in there. Try to find things to keep your hands and head busy at night when you get home. I can't eat and work at the computer at the same time. i don't eat and read at the same time. What about any type of crafts or handwork? Cheeto dust is hell to get out of embroidery cloth! LOL.
Good luck!
Hey girls!!!
Yes, the board has been a little quiet recently.... I must admit that I haven't felt compelled to post since I feel as though I am on a downward spiral these days. And I know... what better time to post than when struggling the most, right?!?!?! Sometimes easier said than done! I want to be supportive of everyone's efforts, yet I don't want to be the one killjoy that brings everyone else down, 'ya know?
I've had a rough week, but the scales actually dropped 2 1/2 pounds since last week, so I'm obviously doing something right!! My new gym is slated to open this weekend after several failed attempts during the last couple of weeks, so I am anxious to get in there and start working those weights. My walking buddy and I walk consistently every week, but it's become activity rather than exercise, so it's definitely time to bump things up a few levels!
Eating is controlled when I am in a controlled environment... but as mentioned by Sheila, when I get home, all hell breaks loose! I'm tempted to snack and graze constantly, and it really ****** me off! I have plenty to do around the house to keep me busy; however, hubby works nights these days, so being alone allows me to cheat when otherwise, I would not. Hence another reason for that gym to open... I can occupy some of my evening time working out!!!
Anyway - i hope everyone is having a good day.... one step at a time, right?!?!?!?
Big hugs!

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/06 4:24 am - Leander, TX
on 9/12/06 4:24 am - Leander, TX
Hey guys,
I wasn't posting these past few days because I have been on a carb binge and didn't want to confess. It started innocently enough with pizza of Friday night for the kids. Well, I didn't buy any diet coke and ended up having just a sip of regular Coke. Oh my, that set me off with more Coke, more pizza, Coke and pizza at the same time, then Cheetos, donuts, and ice cream. I don't know what I was thinking, but each day I thought I could get back on track and it just kept getting worse. I wasn't getting in hardly any protein and the calories and carbs were sky high. I lurked on the boards a little, but didn't want to post. Today I am doing much better. I forced myself to eat a high protein breakfast and have not been drinking with my meals today. I seem to be back on track and have gotten a good amount of protein in today. I bought some cans of Diet Coke yesterday so I can have it whenever I "need" it. I know it isn't nutrionally a good choice, but it can help me feel like I am having a treat. I plan to get all my water in today, all my protein in, and keep those pesky carbs down to 50 grams. I know that so many people have different eating plans, but I was never given anything from the doctor when I had my surgery 4 and 1/2 years ago. I grazed and ate carbs all the time but still managed to get in alot of protein just by eating all day long. I only lost about 60lbs from the surgery before it came to a halt. I had to follow the Atkin's low carb diet to get the other 50lbs off. So, I know that if I want to see results I need to get those carbs down. The Atkin's plan limits to 20 at first for maximum weight loss. I have that in the back of my mind, but will be happy to just stay at 50 or less. Anyway, wish me luck and please send me support. My husband is in Iraq and I have no one to monitor what I eat or help me out. My kids know I am not suppose to have sugar and they remind me, but they are only 9 and 5 and not really the nutritional police I need! I'll check in again later today and tomorrow to see how everyone else is doing.
Angela -
Bless you for your honesty! You pretty much covered my entire guilt trip with your post, so please do not feel alone! You certainly are NOT! Guilt and anxiety kept me away from the boards, too, so I know how you feel; however, I will say this: lurking doesn't really do us any good, does it? We need the chatter from one another to keep us going during the bad times as well as the good!
Good for you that you are having a better day than in the last few. Same here, so let's hope for continued successs, no matter how moderate, okay???
Big hugs to you........ and BIG HUGS to your hubby in Iraq. Bless him, too!!!!!!