Hungry and need help!!
Hi! I haven't been on here in so long, but gaining this weight back and being at my wits end has brought me back.
I had my surgery in July 2002... in addition I had a hernia surgery EVERY year since my surgery (06/03, 07/04, 02/05, 06/06). I started out weighing about 420lbs - went down to 235lbs before I got pregnant with my son. He was born 4/27/05. After my son I weighed 250lbs. Not too bad after having a baby. I moved to GA in 09/05 had a tummy tuck surgery in 11/05. After the tummy tuck I started gaining weight. I am now at 280!!! I can eat anything and everything! The only thing that makes me sick is ice cream and it made me sick before surgery.
I know that my body has been through so much in the past 4 years. Have I blown my chances? I have started walking everyday at the gym in my apartment complex. I have stopped drinking sodas and only drink crystal light. But I am hungry ALL the time. What should I do? I am hopeless? Has my pouch stretched and need to be tightened back up? Please help!!
I am remarried and I have two kids, a 7 1/2 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. I have moved far from my family in DE and I feel so alone at times. I am the sole provider for my family, my husband is a stay at home dad.
Any help you can give would be appreciated!
First off, give yourself
for having revisited this website and posted in this forum! You are on your way to a better day!!!!!
It sounds like you have had an awful lot going on in your life in the last few years - all in addition to the weight loss surgery and the task of having to redirect your way of thinking following all your life changes! That's a lot to deal with and a lot of stress that you may have put on yourself. All of that can certainly lead to falling back into bad habits and our old way of life!
Fear not, though! You still have your #1 tool..... there are many of us on this forum that can (and sometimes do!) eat anything and everything. It doesn't mean that you have "lost" your pouch size... you just need to go back to basics on how best to use it! My advice? Start by checking the size of your pouch utilizing the cottage cheese test. By determining the estimated size of your pouch, you will realize your portion limitations and can (more realizitically) stick to that amount. Also, start a food journal - regardless of whether what you eat is good or bad. We must SEE and VISUALIZE the bad foods as well as the good foods in order to determine our pitfalls and obstacles that cause us to slip up now and then. Writing it down means admitting that we put it in our mouth, and sometimes that reality is enough to make us think twice the next time!
As for being hungry all the time..... I am a carbohydrate-sensitive person (don't 'cha just LOVE that term?) - I gravitate towards ANYTHING loaded with carbs! The satisfaction I get from eating them is so short-lived, though - and thus, I begin the nasty cycle of being hungry, eating carbs, being hungry again sooner than normal and eating carbs again.... it can be never-ending! The best way to combat this vicious cycle is to GET OFF the merry-go-round! Ditch the carbs (or as much as you can) and concentrate on protein and lots of water. Again - BACK TO BASICS!!
Also - have you recently reviewed the Rules of the Pouch? Several members were kind enough to point me in the direction of the rules and it has been really very helpful. I have a fully-printed copy that I will gladly email you if you would like!
Please hang in there.... don't despair!! You are among friends here and we all support you no matter what! We struggle with the same issues, so you are certainly not alone!!

Great words of inspiration! I had my surgery in November. I've been doing great and have continued to loose weight but the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I was starting to allow myself to eat stuff I shouldn't. But no more!! :jump: :jump:
Would you mind sending me the rules of the pouch? [email protected]
Also, what is the cottage cheese test?
Can you also send me the rules of the pouch? [email protected]
I also am wondering what is the cottage cheese test?? I am 9 months out today & also having issues with slow losss & hunger.
Please email me the rules. I'm a year and a half out and never lost all I should and have now gained back 24 lbs...HELP! My email address is [email protected]. Also I've heard about revisions. What exalty is a revision and what does it consist of?
Thank you,
Thank you for the kind words!! I'm off and running now.
I would normally go downstairs and get the 'country dinner' (which cost the same price as the salad with a piece of sliced chicken breast). Today, I got the salad! Added all sorts of greens, hard boiled eggs and chic peas with a dab of dressing. Instead of the crystal light I have been using for the last 2 weeks. Took the water with a slice of lemon! I hope I can keep this up!
I want to feel good again. I would like to lose about 60lbs and fit into my cloths again.
Please keep my in your prayers. I need all of the help I can get!

Hi Em. I know what your going through. I have gained 20 of the 120lbs that I lost. I have been feeling hungry all of the time too. What I did was go back on the protein shakes. I find having a protein shake and hard boiled eggs in the morning help fill me up so that I don't graze all day long. I've actually lost 2 lbs in a week doing this.
Also the stress of being the sole provider can be attributed to your weight gain. I also am sole provider, my husband is unable to work at this time. It is very stressfull to me being the only one working and trying to provide. This causes me to eat the wrong foods like cake, cookies and chips. When you eat foods that are high in carbs it actually causes you to be hungry all of the time. Try the protein shakes to control your appetite.
Good luck