Let's honor Michael Campellone
I was not sure who to send this Michael so I sent it to Amy who is also a very special person
Amy Williams,
Cute & Sexy Donna has sent you a message from Obesityhelp.com
Cute & Sexy Donna's Message:
Hi Amy,
I admire you so much, smile. You have been through a lot and are still going strong. YOU GO GIRL!!
I not sure who to contact but I wanted to share this with the OH people. So many of you give so much time to us ones that need it.
I want to tell OH what a wonderful person they have running the Hunger And Food Troubles Message Board.
Michael Campellone is so wonderful. He has helped me in just two emails and is always willing to talk to everyone and anyone that wants to talk by email and phone.
What OH should do is honor one person a month on the main page. Saying this month we honor so and so who runs this board. Some of these people give their hearts and souls to OH. Michael gives more then his heart and soul. He gives his love to all of us who deal with eating problems as has been there and done it. He really understands us. I don't have a problem with over eating, mine is like his, under eating.
Your welcome to pass this on not only to everyone on OH but Michael himself.
Donna Chu

Dear Donna & Everyone Else Here...
I do not deserve any special attention or praise at all - - it is all of you who help to also keep me strong and on the right road. I believe with my whole heart that together we have tremendous force and power, enough to achieve strength in our battles with our food issues.
These issues are constant and will not go away - we just learn to live with them and around them. We draw so much goodness from each other, and I am so thankful for all the sharing that you have all done with me.
Have a beautiful day - and check out my post about a Virtual Support Group!
Take care,
Michael A. Campellone
OH Support Group Leader
SABariatrics WLS Support Group
(334) 718-4518