what my surgeon told me about 3-6 months out. Your take?
on 5/17/06 5:34 am
on 5/17/06 5:34 am
Hi OH friends,
I just saw my surgeon for my three month appointment. He said the 3-6 month period after surgery will be the hardest because I would be struggling with my cravings and needing to get in the routine of 3-4 meals a day.
What are your "real life" experience during this time? I can eat more and have hunger pains often during the day and MUCH more now but I keep to the program- water, exercise, protein, three meals a day, vitamins, etc.
Thanks for your feedback,
Hi Brenda, I would have to say it's true. I say that because I'm a little over 2 months out, in my 3rd month and this past week has been way different from previous. I have been thinking about food all the time. Wanting this or that, having thoughts of foods I could have cared less about the past two months, or foods I didnt even like before. I keep thinking about the next meal and what 'good' food I can have. Then I feel bad/down because I know I cant eat them, or even if I did eat them, it would be such a small amount, its kind of depressing. I'm not depressed in that sense, just meaning a bummer. But, i do stick to my 3 meals a day and I do two protein shakes a day. I can't eat alot, which in itself is very frustrating at times. But I have been worried this past week with all these food thoughts that I am going to fail at this too. That I'll eventually work up to being able to eat anything and just stop losing. I don't want to let that happen and I think as long as I stick to the nothing between planned meals and protein shakes I should be ok. I luckily do not feel hungry. I don't get physically hungry. Up to now and I hope it continues I only eat because I need to. So that I think is what helps me to stick to only 3 meals a day. But thoughts of food stinks and it has been hard. Sounds like you are doing the right things with your schedule, so keep up the good work. We'll get through these months!!!