Any gardening people out there?
Does anyone get into gardening as an addiction? I love it and can't wait for Spring! I have a Hosta collection of about 200 and many, many, many perennials. I hand dug 2 ponds and have a stream running between them. My upper pond has goldfish that breed like rabbits and the lower pond has Koi, BIG BIG Koi. I also have many frogs that love to sit on the ponds edge when it is warm.
Anyway, my first appointment is tomorrow and I am so excited I can't wait.
Sagamore Hills, OH
I love doxies and gardening
We have 3 acreas of nothing but flower beds , pathways and ponds, this year we put in a huge veggie garden too. even tho we dont eat all of that im putting it in the freezer and i sell some of it at farmers market.
Glad to meet the two of you.....i guess im addicted to gardening too. so much so that my husband built me a green house so i can even garden in the winter lol
during the winter beside my chair is a stack of seed catalogs , i usually get anywhere from 30 to 40 catalogs from different companies....i guess they get the names from each other lol
Any way would love to see some of your pictures of your gardens and all about you all and where you are from etc etc.
Im 68 had surgery when i was 65 (the beganning of my new life) that is when my gardens really expanded. lol with all the new found energy.
I make my own compost and mulch. i plant most all of my annuals from seeds and transplant in the spring to the gardens.
I have sun gardens,and a shade garden. where i have lots and lots of hostas but mostly all the same two or three kind, do you have 200 varieties or 200 plants?
well ive rattled on long enough i guess , im just so excited to find gardeners.
if you would like to email me my email is [email protected]
i have lots of ideas and get lots of flowers given to me to do a lot of them but just dont have the ability to get it all done. lol email address is [email protected] if you would like to email me....
How are you feeling since surgery? Are you doing ok on liquids?
I love perennials, especially Hosta. I have been gardening since I was a little girl, but didn't realize it was a passion until I met Rosie when my daughter was in a stroller. Rosie was a kind, sweet loving 72 year old neighbor that I met and instantly became friends with. She taught me more than gardening and making good soil. Rosie taught me love, compassion, patience, and generosity. I became a Master Gardener in my community and eventually the President of my local garden club. I have a plant sale every year in my back yard which helps pay for my mulch, plants and whatever else strikes my fancy. It is nice to know there are others who share the same passions.
Sagamore Hills, OH
I love doxies and gardening