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Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
WOW back to work already? I was planning on taking my 6-8 weeks off. Guess i dont need that much time. Did you have your surgery lap or open. Mine will be open but not til JULY .... i wi**** was sooner.
Congratulations on your weight loss. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
Hola Carol....
Today is my 18th day and so far I have lost 18 pounds 23 all together it feels great
I am finally back to work wish I was home watching las novelas with my nieta
My next Dr's visit is June 19th
It's weird all the time I was home kept on thinking of my ex
actually dreaming of him...
Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
amor y paz

Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
Hola Rosa, sorry to hear about your pain. I will pray that it's not something bad. I did have some discomfort on the left side of my abdomen. It was hard to move around, especially in bed. I never had to take pain meds for it. If that is the pain youn are experiencing, you shouldn't worry to much about it. It will subside, my doctor explained that it is because that is the side that they do most of the manipulating on........
If that is not what you are experiencing then please call your doctor, he may want to see you....Take care of yourself, the doctors can't help you if you don't contacct them.
I hope all is well, congratulations on the weight loss...welcome to the loing side
God Bless, Carol
Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
Hello ladies ...
Thank you Melanie and Carol for your good wishes..taken to the heart
I have lost 10 pounds since May 12...but I should be pain free
and I am not this normal?
Still drinking liquids graduated to applesauce...
All your answers would be appreicated...
Hope you ladies had a wonderful weekend

Topic: RE: What do i need????
Well Carol, you were right.. that nutricionist was just going on and on with lots of info. But you know what was really funny, she didnt tell me anything that I didnt already know from talking you everyone here. Funny uh?? She also said that an unflavored protein drink would be fine in babyfood considering the amount.
now i have to see a phychiatrist for my eval then PAT at the hospital next month. Only 52 days til surgery. No i'm not counting.

Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
hello rosa, how was your surgery??? Hopefully all went well.
Thinking of you as you recover.

Topic: RE: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
Rosa, God will be with you through this special journey. Never forget that he is next to you, helping you pull through it all and of course, he is your biggest supporter.
Don't give up..keep reaching for your goal. At times the process will seeem fruitless and remorsful but honey, don't loose sight of why you started this journey and the wonderful years to come...................God Bless you, I know that you will be great!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the good wishes, likewise, "Feliz dia de las Madrecitas"...
Your friend and supporter, Carol

Topic: Hola mi GENTE...Feliz Dia De las Madre...
Just a few lines to let you all know this time tomorrow May 12 I will have my lapband done
if God permits.
I am so excited and thrill to be heading to my journey with the help of the good Lord I will do great I am sure..
To all the Madres"Happy Mother's Day" may you all have a wonderful day with your children and will be sipping liquid but my 2 children will be here with me and so will my grandchildren....
..for God has bless me more then once..

Will let you all know how I am doing during the week..prayers are allowed por favor

Topic: RE: What is the difference between distal and proximinal (sp?) RNY?
Hola amiga. Well, I'm doing doctor decided to give me an additional two weeks..grand total of 8 weeks. He said that I work with heavy equipment and he doesn't want me to strain my abdominals. It's nice that I can stay home with my precious little son. I love playing mommy, baking cookies, having three homemade meals, attending school functions...Soooooo sad it has to end
I haven't experienced any form of sickness (thank God). I have lost a total of 26 lbs. I think that it's verrrrrrryyyy slllooowww, but the doctor tells me that I'm right on target. He told me that the heavier you are the faster you lose the weight and I was, the highest lowest, go figure...
Sad to say that I haven't really been keeping up with the gym. I will be going to a wedding in San Diego this weekend so I'm very busy; shopping, taking clothes to cleaners, haircuts for everybody, arranging hotels, etc......When I come back I will pour myself into the gym again...I just bought a pilates DVD and a mat. I put the DVD on to try it, WOW, it kicked my butt. I think that I should lose more weight before attempting to do it again, I'm not that flexible, yet
Elisa, God Bless and keep encouriging each other, you and your hubby will be the sexiest couple ever.......
warm regards, Carolbear

Topic: RE: What is the difference between distal and proximinal (sp?) RNY?
Hi Carol, thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I am very happy with the exception of a few things that haven't gone back to normal. I been feeling a bit lethargic--even though I get enough rest at nights. I guess this isn't unusual, since I hear my body is still recovering? My hubby's turn is very soon...June 5th and he is starting to get
As far as the propel, looks like they only sell those flavors in Mexico. I've tried doing a search online and come up with nothing.
So how are you doing? It is always nice to hear from my friends on the Hispanic/Latino board. Take care of you!!