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Topic: RE: Any Regrets ??????
WOW...Hard question...I have no regrets, I also don't have any complications...
My family doesn't view me any different matter of fact they forget that I've had surgery sometimes and offer me candy or cake or something like that..
I would do it again.. I have researched this surgery for a couple of years...and finally had it done in 7-2005
The only I do regret is nothing being more prepared for the emotional roll coaster ride the you will have the 1st couple of start to doubt yourself,,, you go thru the "what did I do to myself" or "Will I ever be able to eat normal again..
Well 7 month later and I can say yes that I'm normal and can eat normal complications what so ever.
Research...Research is the #1 key...
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: Any Regrets ??????
Holla chicos e chicas, que tal?
Well, I haven't had my surgery yet, however, I'm having some concerns:
1.) Am I doing the right thing?
2.) Will I regret my decision?
3.) How differently will my family and friends view me?
4.) Am I considered a loser because I opted for the "easy" way out rather than exercise and eat right?
5.) Will I have another set of different medical problems after the procedure?
I've discussed this problems with my surgeon but I would like to hear from you, please help me, not make a wrong choice......
Here is a question to all."If you knew then what you know now, will you still go for it....Why?"...
Thank for your help...Carolbear
Topic: ~Good Morning~
Good Morning everyone, Hope everyone is ready for the weekend...I is supposed to be down in the 40s here in Texas...So much for cooking on the grill outside...OO well...hope you have a great weekend
What are your plans?
Topic: RE: Unidad y felicidad!
Hola Barbi,
Como te va? Yo tuve la mia 1/24/06, y tambien me siento FABULOSA! Cuanto peso has perdido? No escribo en Español muy bien, pero voy a tratar!

Topic: RE: Que bueno esta esto
Hola Pedro!
Perdoname que me tomo tanto tiempo para leer tu post. Yo soy Cubana tambien. Como te fue la operacion? No escribo muy bien el Español, pero trato!

Topic: RE: ~Daily Menu~
Actually it hasn't been too bad. I have had chili, beef stew, and even some frijoles negros! MMM MMM MMM. I do hope my surgeon puts me on soft foods next Friday when I see her though. I could go for some more variety!
Topic: RE: ~Daily Menu~
I'm glad I didn't have to do the Pureed stage, I went from 2 weeks of liquid to soft foods...I don't think I could've done the pureed...
Keep up the great work...
Topic: RE: ~Daily Menu~
I was busy today, and didn't get to eat much, but this is what I ate:
Breakfast- protein shake
Lunch- apple sauce
Dinner- pureed chili
Snack- more apple sauce and some cheese.
I am still on pureed diet, but cheated with the cheese.

Thanks Linda. It would be nice if we could get at least a few people posting on here. When I first found out about OH a few months ago, there was not Latino/Latina section under Ethnicity, and I complained about it. I don't know if anyone else complained or not, but they finally put one on, and now hardly anyone visits. I also translated some things for them about WLS, but haven't seen it posted. I really hope this board works out. I will be checking everyday too.

Topic: ~Daily Menu~
What is your Daily Menu like?
for me today...wasn't very good.
Here is what I had:
Crystal Light Grapefruit w/unflavored whey protein mix
1 egg
2 Canadian bacon
1/2 Toast
1 cup of homemade chicken soup w/little pasta
Pure Protein Bar
~Dinner~ This was very bad
4 tater tots
4 chips w/salsa
(I know that good and this isn't normally what I eat)
I will either have a protein shake or protein bar (since I did so bad on dinner)
What is your menu like??
RNY 7-25-05