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Topic: RE: Any suggestions
I'm sorry so late, but I hope by now you have checked with your surgeon? you might have the beginnings of a stricture, are you able to hold other foods. If unable to get your Protein in by food you might need to up the Protein shakes until you get to the bottom of the problem.
Please keep me posted
Topic: Any suggestions
Hola chicas/os,
I had RNY 9 1/2 months ago and I have noticed that it is getting harder for me to eat any kinds of meat, chicken, beef, pork. I try to eat it but I can only eat less than an ounce and if I don't chew it very well then I get a tummy ache. It is kind of sad because I use meats as my protein as it is getting harder and a hassle to mix the shakes.
However I can eat anything else.......Any suggestions?
Topic: RE: Anyone still posting in here?
I was readig your journal. I have a friend that is going throught the Kaiser, Baldwin Park, program. She will be done the first week of January and will be going to San Diego for her surgery. Do you go to the support groups, Kaiser/West Covina? I went to one of those meetings and felt out of place, most of the people were older ( 40's and 50's). I wish that I could go back, I need the support.
Congrats on your journey, you seem to be doing fantastic!!!!!!
Warm regards, Carolbear
Topic: RE: Q Vo'
Hi Everyone
I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy & Safe New Year!
Gracias Diosito por toda la gente buena en este mundo
& all the support I have recv'd on these boards through out the years.
Laura M
Las Vegas NV

Topic: RE: Q Vo'
Hi there!
Congrats on yer amazing weightloss! U must be so proud. You look great! Keep up the AWESOME work. Take care,
on the border, by the sea...

Topic: RE: Feliz Navidad Y Prospero Ano Nuevo
Hi there!
I had NO idea there was a hispanic/latino board. A little sometin sometin bout me. My name is Monica and Im from the RGV. Im pre-op, but I have been on this board since 2001. The people here are nice and offer such valuable support, I can't stay away. I hope to have wls one day 'till then, Im still a hottie latina, just chubby. lol j/k. Take care y Feliz Navidad a uste y sus familias y prospero ano.
Topic: RE: Que Paso????
Show's you how much I know.
I thought that the "meat" was the only difference between pasole and menudo.
I'm trying to learn my mom's recipes so that I can carry on the traditions too. The problem is she is better at doing than teaching. We're going to be making tamales next week and I'm going to try and get the recipe down
. My daughter just learned how to make her salsa, so that's one recipe that's been passed down. You just have to keep some of those things going.
I would love to have both recipes.
[email protected]

Topic: RE: Que Paso????
I too love menudo, and for what it is worth, I make pasole too... My grandmother was cherokee and taught me how to make it and fry bread... I am the only one that carries on the tradition.
send me your email and I will send you the recipe.
Topic: RE: Que Paso????
That's very similar to Pasole. I think you really have to grow up with menudo to really like it. I LOVE it. My neighbors make Pasole, very similar to menudo, but made with pork instead of tripe. My DH loves that, but won't touch tripe. Out here, you can find both in a can. They aren't bad and if you doctor them up, they are pretty good, but nothing like home made. That's one dish I never learned how to make, I just eat it when my aunt makes it.
Care to share your Gringa recipe?

Topic: RE: Q Vo'
208!! That's so amazing!
You have done such a fantastic job. You should be very proud of yourself.
You know, I've always felt intimidated by Hispanic clubs and such because I don't speak spanish. I understand bits and pieces, but I'm definitely not fluent (my parents are). I'm glad to see a few familiar faces here.