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Topic: RE: Hola!!
Hello Elisa.
Congrats!! I hope all is well and that you are on your way to a spedy recovery and also to great health. Why do you hate being on clear liquids? Is it because you don't feel full? I am also curious why you are not on pain meds? Is it by your choice? Pain must be mininal. Well do take care. Hope to hear from you soon.
Topic: RE: Hola!!
Congratulation Elisa !!!! Good luck, I know you will continue to do great...I haven't had my surgery but people like you are an inspiration...Thank you and keep us posted and updated....You have a rough road ahead but with the loving support of your family and prayer, you will soon be a success story like many of our friends on this site...God Bless and congrats, again....Warm regards Carolbear

Topic: RE: Any Regrets ??????
Thank you Rosa and LLuna, your thoughtfulness and caring means so much to me....I'm really scared but I'm also scared of not doing anything about it right now....I don't have many health problems; I have sleep apnea and sleep with a c-pap, I have varicose veins throughout my entire leggs and thights, I also have a slipped disc which allows me to suffer chronic back spain and spasms but the worst is that it also gives me chronic legg pain, cramps, and numbness. My job (surgical tech), requires me to stand for the entire case, however long it is. If I'm scrubbed on an eye case, which I sit, it is just as bad. I can't do either, stand or sit, for long periods of time. My legg and back pain is killing me, by the middle of the day I am in tears and unable to take anything stong (they took Bextra off the market, it was the only thing that would help), so I finsh the day with over 1000milligrams of Tylenol. Sleeping, forget it, although the c-pap makes it back and legg pain are a constant reminder.
In late October '05, I noticed a new ailment. My knees and ankles have started to swell and ache, by mid afternoon....By the end of the day, it was (is) hard for me to walk....Why am I gong through this, I'm only 36.
I know that I don't have other problems like other people, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, but that is what I am hoping to avoid...I don't want to have a non reversible or life threatening problem, so that is my justification....
I've tried talking to Jason (my son), but he says that he loves me the way I am and I shouldn't feel like I have to be skinny to look beautiful. He tells me that Iam beautiful and that I may make a decision that I won't be able to tkae back and then I'm left hating myself without being able to chang anything back..................
Again, thanks for your supprt and encouragement......I need it.
Good luck and please keep posting, I enjoy my new family....Warm regards, Carolbear
P.s. It's raining in sunny California, it is so cold...I know, were wimps

Topic: RE: ~Daily Menu~
Ladies I envy you for being able to eat real foods!! LOL jk I am on my 5th day post-op and I've had nothing but clear liquids. So this is what I've been having since I was discharged:
~chicken or beef broth
~water with some apple juice (I'm not sure about the exact measurements just so it's not too sweet)
~sugar-free jello
~sugar-free popsicles
and that's basically what I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh and I tried to have something different, don't laugh, bean broth and um let's just say it didn't help the gas issue so I'm sticking to the 2 broths I can have
. So this is my menu until I get cleared for creamy soups and mushy stuff. Wish me luck--it IS HARD but what helps es que la tripa no me esta gruñendo.
p.s. Since I am not a cook do you guys think you could share some food ideas or receipes? Maybe that could be a different thread...Thanks in advanced!

Topic: Hola!!
Hey everyone, I am back from surgery. I am 5 days post-op and feeling pretty good. I am on clear liquids (yes I hate it but OH WELL) and I haven't had to take any pain medication since I was released from the hospital on Wednesday. I get a little tired and sleepy way too soon but that's understandable since my body is recovering from major surgery, except I'm not used to it. Pre-op I had enough energy to get by and I am hoping that once I make full recovery that I notice my energy increase.
Well, just thought I'd drop by and give you a little update. How is everyone else doing?

Topic: RE: ~Good Morning~
Hello, I am a fellow tejana that lives in washington state. Cooking on the grill on our temperatures is fine, come rain or shine, it will and can be done.

Topic: RE: ~Good Morning~
Hola Linda,
40's? You guys are spoiled! We have been getting down to 20's here. We did have a couple of beautiful days in the 60's last week, and it felt like spring. I got two walks in both those days. Now I am back to walking inside which is a bummer. I am having friends over tomorrow to do some scrapbooking and play some boardgames. I am really looking forward to it. Sunday I just want to chill and get ready for a week full of work. Hope you and everyone else has a wonderful weekend.

Topic: RE: Any Regrets ??????
Hi Carol,
I had my surgery 1/24/06. I am almost one month out. The only regret I had was the first two days I got home from the hospital. I asked myself, "what have I done to myself", but after two days, I really started to feel great. My life has changed so much already. I used to be in so much pain when I showered that I would have to sit down immediately to stop the pain. Now I am enjoying my showers again, and my partner was even surprised to hear me singing in the shower. I hadn't done that in years. I can't explain to you how much better I feel, but I have no doubt that I am doing the right thing. I was headed toward a coffin. Now I have a second chance at life. Your son is scared. He doesn't want to lose his mom. Maybe if you explain to him that you are doing this for your health so that you will be able to be with him for many long years, he will understand. Also, maybe if you took him to the surgeon with you so that things can be explained to him. I would like to answer your questions:
1) without a doubt
2) not if you follow the surgeons directions and do what you need to do.
3) hopefully those who love you will support you and realize you are doing what you need to do for yourself and your children. You will still be the same person, only happier and more active.
4) Anyone who tells you that you are taking the "easy" way out is not educated on WLS. It is in no way the "easy" way out. Just ask anyone who has gone through it. It is a struggle every day, and it requires a complete life style change. If someone says that to you, then maybe they need to educate themselves on it.
5) Everyone is different. I am blessed in that, so far, I have had no complications. Best thing to do is to arm yourself with knowledge. Join a support group (your surgeon's office should have a list), and post on the boards. I don't know about you, but prayer helps me a lot.
Any time you have a question or concern, please talk to someone, or post. I have found OH to be so helpful, and I joined a support group before my surgery. Most important of all, remember that you are doing this for yourself, and your children. If other people want to judge you or discourage, that is their problem. You do what you need to do for yourself!
Feel free to email me if you need to talk. Also, please keep us posted. I wish you all the best!

Topic: RE: Any Regrets ??????
I was depress for like 2 weeks but I had my kids on summer vacation that would stay with was only when I was by myself that I felt depressed...and the eating issue you will get use to eating on a time 1st I was like no way I can't eat 5-6 times a day...but now its no biggy I'm eating about 5 meals a day an average of 900 eat normal have no complication on eating or drinking...I won't try anything the is over 9 grams of sugar because my dr said to stay with 8 grams of sugar...I haven't ever dump (knock on wood)...I love the new me...I don't think I've changed.
I really think that your son said that you to because he is afraid to lose you, you have always been his support system and he is afraid if he says this is ok that you will go ahead with the surgery.. I had several family member that didn't want me to do this, but i told them I'm doing it for me and no one else...
I have 3 kids ages 12, 14 & 16 (fixing to be 17) and alot of things went thru my mind am I going to be here to see my daughter 15th celebration or just the little thing...
You really need to look deep down inside of you and ask yourself is this what I really want...
Good Luck with your decision
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: RE: Any Regrets ??????
Thank you for answering my is very helpfull....
If you don't mind me asking, what type of emotinal roller coaster did you go through?......This is one of the things that I worry about..
I am a single parent of three wonderful kids, ages 20 (girl), 18 (boy), and 5 (boy)....My 18yr. old son does not want me to go thru this. He tells me that he loves me and that he doesn't want me to change, he also tells me that he doesn't want to see me any other way...Yeasterday I told him that it would be nice to have a slim mother at his high school grauation instead of an overweight one, he told me that it would be embarrasing that people know that I had to go thru a surgery instead of doing other things. It really made me feel sad and I cried...for he had never said anything like that to me. He is normally a sweet, wonderful young (slim) man. We have a great relationship but from the start he has been opposed to it and has told me so.
I worry about being so involved in my quest, that I go thru other (worse) things and I would not be there for my children. They look up to me. I am their rock and for me to not be there for them would kill me.
I know that everyone is different but how long did the emotional or other complications last...what is the recovery time...will I ever be normal again?????????????????????
Thank you, Carolbear