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Topic: RE: 8 weeks post-op; 34 pounds lighter; 5 inches smaller
Hey Linda glad everything is going well for you.
I had my surgery on March 30, 2006, about 3 1/2 weeks ago.
Oh gosh, I miss everything. The first craving I had was at my mom's house, less than a week out. She had just finished making some "frijoles de la olla", and everyone was eating them with quesadillas and mom's awesome homemade salsa....oh yeah and also, "cafe con canela"....
I wanted to die, mom thought that I could eat the beans, I was tempted...
Anyhow, I crave everything; pizza (wasn't crazy about it before), McDonald's (my weakness), KFC, Quiznos, ceviche and especially Mexican food (YUMMY)..Before my time, I made carne con nopales en chile...well I just had to sneak some nopales. I chewed them very well and all was fine...
I haven't had to much trouble with anything except for fish...
On a happy note, I'm glad to report that I have lost a total of 20lbs
slowly progressing
Warm regards, carolbear

Topic: What have you given up since surgery?
How many of your Dr. have restricted Menudo....I haven't had any and
really, really miss it...I've had some of the soup just so I can get reid of the craving...
What have you given up lately? for me it has to be fried chicken & menudo
How about you?
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: Good Morning Everyone!!!
Come on Hispanics let get this board running...How was your weekend? If it was anything like mine, then it was extremely busy....
I hope everyone had a great Easter....
Have a great day
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: RE: New Member
Welcome to the Hispanic/Latino Board Melissa!!!! Congrattsss on the decision to have surgery!!! I think more & more Hispanics are becoming more educated in WLS..
It is normal to be scared...I actually had a sister that cried on the day of the surgery because she didn't want me to have it...but you have to be strong for yourself and also for the people around you that have supported you so far...BE STRONG and don't think about the what have decided to have the surgery and I'm sure you have research all of the different possible outcome...just don't think about the surgery, at least that is what I did until I was in the room getting prep for
Please let us know once your home from your surgery, I hope you have a uneventful surgery & a speedy recovery..
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: RE: New Member
Hola Melissa, So glad to have you aboard.
I had my surgery on March 30, 2006, about 3 1/2 weeks. I'm doing very well, health wise.
Let me tell you, very normal for you to be nervous. BUT, don't be scared, the doctors are really good and care for your well being..of course they want you to have a great outcome. Just do everything that the doctors tell/want you to do.
Almost everyone, including myself, gets nervous as the date gets closer. I was so stressed that I almost ruined my chance to have surgery. I psyched myself into thinking that I wa getting the flu and that my surgery would be canceled.......sure enough, I got sick...Luckily not sick enough to be canceled.
I almost didn't go to the hospital that day...However the night before my sisters talked to me and told me that I had not helped myself or lost any weight, in years, what made me think thaat I could do it now.....
I knew they were right...I prayed to God and told him that he had helped me get this far, without putting any obstacles in my way. So I told him that if he felt that this decision was wrong, then I wanted him to give me a sign...............Everything went beautifully........Thank God.
There was 1 time that I regretted my desicion and there are times when I crave food (especially Mexican). Then I remember why I started this process in the first place: my health, my little son, the embarassment of being the fat mother, sister, daughter, and friend, oh get my self esteem back and to have that love of life that I used to have.
Don't ever forget why you started the process, if it is for YOU, then God will guide you...................
Call on us whenever you need us, we'll all be here "on the losing side", waiting for you.............
Good luck and God Bless,
Warm regards, Carolbear
Topic: RE: New Member
Hola Melissa.
You are going to enjoy the latinos on this site
They are supportive and we will all be there when you need a hand or 2
My surgery is schedule for May 12 but your's is around the corner
7 more days Melissa and you will be on the other side
Wish you luck keeps us posted.
God bless you on your journey..
Amor y paz.

Topic: New Member
Hola mi gente I'm new here I'm glad to see other latinos I am sheduled for surgery on April 24 ,2006 doing ok with protien diet but I'm getting very nervous.
Topic: RE: Please help!!!!!!
Hola Rosa D!
That is a beautiful story about your abuelito and abuela. I think it is wonderful that you will be accepting your rightful name on the day that you will be "reborn". And how wonderful that it will be on your abuelita's birthday! I wish you all the best. God is good and will see you through your surgery and new life. I too wish you and everyone here a wonderful Easter.
Rosa F.

Topic: RE: Please help!!!!!!
Carol so you had the gastric bypass done?
Had a friend that had it done almost a yr ago she looks wonderful even had a tt and got married all within a yr..
So give yourself sometime and don't be so hard on yourself
Have a great weekend
amor y paz

Topic: RE: Please help!!!!!!
Pray all is well is good friday even if I had a hard week I still have time to thank God
My children are my support my son will be coming from Long Island to support his sister and of course care for his madre
I wish this site a wonderful holiday with family..
Happy Easter"
I must tell you Rosa when mi abuelito was born his last name was DE LA CRUZ..but yrs ago in Ceiba,PuertoRico early1900's people use to wait for someone to go to
town to register the children so they put only Cruz any way to make a long story short I promise myself when I lose this weight I will carry the originally name of mi abuelito DeLa Cruz for his was my true father..and on (lapband day)May 12th mi abuelita would of been 100 yrs old she died i***** and miss her everydayof my life..
All these changes are all going to be positive for I will carry all this love I had and have around me...
Then met my princes charming
Rosa.D hugs and warmth..