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Topic: Babyfood?????
Hello all!! This is my first time posting on this msg board. I have read alot of your mesages and you guys seem REALLY nice. I hope to talk to you alot as i am preparing to go to my consult on Tuesday.. I CANT WAIT!!! I am trying to get as much information as possible so that i can be prepared, before, and after surgery.
Okay here's my question: Is it okay to eat babyfood in the beginning after surgery?? My family, as yours probibly does too.... cooks BIG meals. That is one of my problems and so i figured, babyfood is already PREMADE, and PREPACKAGED. I think you can get them in 2oz containers.
What do you think?????
Thanx everyone!!!!

Topic: RE: info on doc harris wilmington nc
Rosa, MUCHA SUERTE, chica.
You will be in my prayers, everything will be great. There will be sometimes when you ask yourself, Why?...............
Allow yourself to grieve for, what will be, the old you.....
If you are doing it for good reasons such as; your physical health, your mental health, and you family, then God will always be with you. Although, there will be times he is with me or the others, never think he has abandoned you. He is taking care of the rest of us and wants you to help yourself a little to.
Any help or advice we ca offer you, we are here. It may take us a while to answer, but we are on your side..............
Warm regards, carolbear

Topic: RE: Any 'Nighty Night' lovers out there???
Hello Linda I was reading your profile and you have done marvelous I am sure you are very proud of yourself
You have a beautiful family God bless you all.
I haven't been able to post any pics because of the changes on our site
Linda did you get the gastric or lapband??
Really happy for you and your journey.. I will be joining you too.if God permits..

Topic: RE: sleep apnea doctors
Hola ...Mi Gente....
Thank you Carol for sharing all those tips with us put sardines
at less you found something you like.
So I when this morning to my finally appt with my Dr he is so young and handsome Mmmm papi.hahahahaha...he said I lost 5 more pounds so I am 256.8
all is good with the labs ect he said all will be well just need to take my inhaler because of my asthma before I go under
he said I would probably go in the afternoon because my surgery is at 7:30 am..
I need you wonderful ladies to please have me in your prayers
This site has been a blessing for me I feel connected and people are sharing their experience helps alot..
So let's keep in touch for the count down


Topic: RE: Any 'Nighty Night' lovers out there???
Hello Linda, How are you..Please give us an update on your progress.
I'm doing fine. I'm finally able to tell that my clothes is somewhat loose. I was hoping to loose alot more but I guess I should give myself a break. The last time I lost over 20lbs was about 8 or 9 years ago, with Phen-fen..
I really dislike making and drinking the protein shakes, so I discovered that sardines have a lot of protein. I really like sardines......
Cottage cheese also has a lot of protein, so I'm at a place where I'm playing with different foods and I like it..
My only problem is I don't get a lot of water so I get constipated a lot (sucks)........
Take care and hope to be where your'e at soon,
Warm regards, Carolbear
Topic: Good Morning!!
just wanted to stop by and say "Good Morning" ....How is everyone doing?
Have a great day everyone!!!
RNY 7-25-05
Topic: RE: 8 weeks post-op; 34 pounds lighter; 5 inches smaller
Now that's funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anorexia Ponderosa..hee hee....thats definately a keeper!!!!!
*******On your homepage (in your photo) you have a beautiful daughter.... the heck do you think you are???!!! Hugh Hefner!!!!!!!?? LOL
Topic: RE: New kid on the block.
Ok Latinas...let's get this party going

This Easter was the first for mi nieta SamiyahRosa she looked so cute with her fancy dress she had decorations on her hair and believe it or not she did not take it off
She is one of the reasons I decided to have the lapband done so I could run after her when she starts walking hahahaha...
So Linda are we getting ready to start salsa dancing.
amor y paz Rosa.D.

Topic: RE: sleep apnea doctors
Thanks Carol Bear I'mreally glad all went well for you I hope in no time you'll be able to enjoy beans carne asada (oh oh I think thats what got me in trouble in the first place i must admit i 'm glad i mexican because i so, love our latin Flavor!)I'm still on this protien diet I've really had enough but then I've also had enough of being diabetic,overweight,and countless of other problems si I can do this I know in the end it will be worth it.
God Bless keep me in your prayers
Topic: RE: Has anyone had the adjust...
Thanks for your support,I went to a support group today and it really made me feel at ease I must admit these days are going by so fast,I to wish you luck I know God is awesome he'll be there for both of us.I'll let you know how it went.
God Bless YOU!