What do i need????
Hi everyone!!! I went to my consult today and I have a surgery date already... can you believe it??? July 6th . I have alot of tests to do and i was just wondering.... Can you give me a list of things that I am going to need immediately after surgery??? I have some crystal light and thats about it. I think i may just go with the babyfood and try to do that so i dont bother my mom with cooknig and stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx in advance
Wow, such great news about your date...Congratulations!!!!!!!!
First question? Will you be seeing a dietician/nutricionist??????????
If so, don't worry they will inform you of everything that you will need.
You really will not want to eat or drink too much, soon after surgery.Be carefull about buying too much. I have tons of stuff that I bought and will never use.......
1. Get all of you vitamins and supplaments, NOW.
2. Buy protein powders, perhaps two flavors. Buy small containers in case you don't like the taste. Make sure to buy a powder that mixes very well.
3. Buy chicken/beef/turkey broth. I got three big containers from Costco, very cheap.
4. Diet Snapple is very good, again Costco.
5. Caffein free tea, yep, Costco.
6. Sugar free jello mix, uhm huh costco.
7. Tomatoe/split pea soup, you guessed it, Costco.
helpful hint: Just before leaving the hospital, have the nurses fax your prescription to the pharmacy, pick them up on your way home.
Baby food can get expensive and I'm not sure about the protein content. Protein is very important in the healing process and, of course, in building muscle which will eliminate alot of loose skin.
Hope this helps...Please talk to your doctor about your meal plan....Only he/she knows what is best for you. The guidlines are basically the same for all surgeons, however, they do make some changes to meet their patients needs. The protein allowence for you is very individualized, and should be given to you only by your doctor or dietician....
Good luck and keep us posted, Carolbear
Melinda, glad to hear about your appointment. The nutricionist will give you everything (info, knowledge) you will need. She/ he will bombard you with alot, for your process and for starting your new life. Don't feel overwhelmed, take baby steps. PLEASE read everything carefully and always remember that everything has a purpose. Feel free to ask anything and everything (no matter how foolish or silly you think it maybe), if you don't then they can't help, therfore, you don't get the best information and knowledge for your health and your journey.
Good luck and again, keep us posted..................Warm regards, Carol
Well Carol, you were right.. that nutricionist was just going on and on with lots of info. But you know what was really funny, she didnt tell me anything that I didnt already know from talking you everyone here. Funny uh?? She also said that an unflavored protein drink would be fine in babyfood considering the amount.
now i have to see a phychiatrist for my eval then PAT at the hospital next month. Only 52 days til surgery. No i'm not counting.