Please help!!!!!!
I am only 1 1/2 week post op, I went to mass today and without thinking I took comunion and GULP the wine......I am not allowed breads till 6 or 8 weeks post op and NO liqour for 1 year.................Please help me, what can happen to me????????????????????????????
I've tried telling myself that because it's religious, nothing will happen but my pouch isn't able to digest this foods yet.........Should I call my doctor or just wait and see??????????????????????
Has anybody else experienced this or am I the only silly/dummy out here?????????
Thank you for any advice, Warm regards, carolbear
It's been 3 days since I took communion............and in case there is anyone out there as silly/dumb as me, well...nothing happened!!!!!!!!!!
I guess being faithful/religious, helps...God does indeed, takes care of us.............
Till next time, I'm sure I will have tons more problems...hey did I tell you guys that I lost 16lbs, my first week check up .Not much but more than I've ever lost, since phen-fen

Rosa so glad to hear that you are geting a lapband........if I wasn't as stubborn as I am, I probably would have researched the banding further and decided on it, instead of the bypass. Why? because I think it's less restrictive and not a big life change (other than losing weight)...Oh well, everything is going well, except, I don't think that I'm losing any weight. I don't own a scale (on purpose) so I can't really track, but I don't feel or see a difference. I haven't dumped or had any other problems at all....
Sometimes I feel that the procedure wasn't done to me. I think that they just repaired my hiatal hernia and decide that they would test me. Maybe being on the meal plan and psychologically making me believe that I had the surgery, maybe I would lose.....
Okay, okay, I know I'm crazy but I don't really see a change.....
Rosa good luck and keep us posted, this is a wonderful site, we the latinas need to help each other out......Warm regards, Carolbear
Hi Carol,
So sorry not to have responded earlier. I have been really busy and have not had a chance to check in here. I am glad you are ok. When I read your post, I figured you would be ok because the communion host usually desolves really quickly. I am glad that you are fine. Congratulations on your weight loss. It will only get better from here on. I have lost another 11 lbs. for a total of 67. I can now put on my own socks and was able to weigh myself on my own scale without having to go to the Dr. I am walking and feeling great. Hope you continue to do well. Please keep in touch!

Hi Rosa.
Congrat a losing another 11 pounds that is awesome :hugs:
My date is getting closer and I am getting a little bit nervous kind of.
With this site all is possible we give each other so much feels like una familia..
We are like a garden of Rosas..
Keep up the good work for I will be joining you guys with another 30 days

Hola Rosa,
We sure do make this place smell like roses!!!
I am so happy for you. The next 30 days will fly by and your new life will be here before you know it. I was very nervous before my surgery. I think that is normal and healthy. I agree with you que somos como una familia!!! I don't know what I would have done without my OH family. Take care and keep us updated!
Big Hug,

Pray all is well is good friday even if I had a hard week I still have time to thank God
My children are my support my son will be coming from Long Island to support his sister and of course care for his madre
I wish this site a wonderful holiday with family..
Happy Easter"
I must tell you Rosa when mi abuelito was born his last name was DE LA CRUZ..but yrs ago in Ceiba,PuertoRico early1900's people use to wait for someone to go to
town to register the children so they put only Cruz any way to make a long story short I promise myself when I lose this weight I will carry the originally name of mi abuelito DeLa Cruz for his was my true father..and on (lapband day)May 12th mi abuelita would of been 100 yrs old she died i***** and miss her everydayof my life..
All these changes are all going to be positive for I will carry all this love I had and have around me...
Then met my princes charming
Rosa.D hugs and warmth..

Hola Rosa D!
That is a beautiful story about your abuelito and abuela. I think it is wonderful that you will be accepting your rightful name on the day that you will be "reborn". And how wonderful that it will be on your abuelita's birthday! I wish you all the best. God is good and will see you through your surgery and new life. I too wish you and everyone here a wonderful Easter.
Rosa F.