Hey everyone, I am back from surgery. I am 5 days post-op and feeling pretty good. I am on clear liquids (yes I hate it but OH WELL) and I haven't had to take any pain medication since I was released from the hospital on Wednesday. I get a little tired and sleepy way too soon but that's understandable since my body is recovering from major surgery, except I'm not used to it. Pre-op I had enough energy to get by and I am hoping that once I make full recovery that I notice my energy increase.
Well, just thought I'd drop by and give you a little update. How is everyone else doing?

Congratulation Elisa !!!! Good luck, I know you will continue to do great...I haven't had my surgery but people like you are an inspiration...Thank you and keep us posted and updated....You have a rough road ahead but with the loving support of your family and prayer, you will soon be a success story like many of our friends on this site...God Bless and congrats, again....Warm regards Carolbear

Hi Carol, I've been meaning to thank you for your kind message you posted on my page!! Wow and thanks for thinking I'm an inspiration you are the first person who's told me that
. I know this wasn't going to be easy but so far so good. I am going to keep my eye on the prize and keep doing my best and hopefully it will be just fine. When do you find out your surgery date? Or are you still thinking about it? It's a huge decision to make so don't feel pressured and do lots of reading. I spent months reading stuff here on OH and on another site. I felt I was ready for this but it does tend to be different once you are in these shoes. But your right, its' nothing that I can't see through with the love and support of my family and prayer.

Good morning, Sunshine.....Well you made it through, yet, another day...See it's not that bad , just take it one day at a time and soon you will be a big "LOSER"....I'm glad that you have your hubby and family to support you, it is very important...Keep praying and the journey will be much easier, you already seem to have everything under control...
Today I have an EGD @ 1:30pm (good luck, to me)...after the results my doctor will submit the paper work to the insurance company (again, GOOD LUCK to me)...I will keep you posted..Thanks for the concern but you should only be thinking of yourself and taking good care of yourself...
Dios te Bendiga...................................Warm regards, Carolbear
Hello Elisa.
Congrats!! I hope all is well and that you are on your way to a spedy recovery and also to great health. Why do you hate being on clear liquids? Is it because you don't feel full? I am also curious why you are not on pain meds? Is it by your choice? Pain must be mininal. Well do take care. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Vanessa! Thank you, so far I am doing great! I hate being on clear liquids because there are only these options: chicken broth, beef broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free jello, tea, water, propel. That's breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I was used to some variety of foods for my meals, it's been a little hard to get used to. Also, seeing others eat (family or on TV) and the smells sometimes are just so good and tempting. One thing I've heard post-ops say when I was pre-op was: I had surgery in my tummy and not in my head. My head says "hungry" but not my tummy so I don't feel hunger pangs--YET. I'm not on pain meds since I came home from the hospital because I haven't felt I needed them, the pain is minimal. Actually, I don't feel pain I just feel soreness and it really doesn't bother me all that much, everyday it GETS BETTER!! When are you having surgery? Keep us posted OK?

Glad to hear all is well with you. I am okay. I still am not sure about the surgery, it might me at the end of August, but I will definately keep you all posted. Was getting anesthesia scary? That is one of the things I think I might freak out on. Did you get a tube inserted down your throat and if you did, did you feel it? Well, thanks for taking the time to write me and give me more info. Take care.
Hi Vanessa, when I went into the OR I remember moving onto the operating table/bed and then looking around the room
after that I was out
. So getting the anesthesia is not scary cause you won't even know when it happens
. It all happened so fast, it's really incredible. They do put a tube down your throat but you also don't feel that happening because they do that while you are under anesthesia
. All I felt afterwards was a sore throat
but it went away
on my 4th day of being post-op. So all in all it wasn't too bad and it wasn't too scary. I hope this helps. Take care!

Hola Elisa,
Congratulations on your surgery. I have no doubt you will find yourself with a lot of energy in a few days. I have more energy now than I have had in years. It takes a little bit of time to get there, but I know you will. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on your progress.