~Daily Menu~
What is your Daily Menu like?
for me today...wasn't very good.
Here is what I had:
Crystal Light Grapefruit w/unflavored whey protein mix
1 egg
2 Canadian bacon
1/2 Toast
1 cup of homemade chicken soup w/little pasta
Pure Protein Bar
~Dinner~ This was very bad
4 tater tots
4 chips w/salsa
(I know that good and this isn't normally what I eat)
I will either have a protein shake or protein bar (since I did so bad on dinner)
What is your menu like??
RNY 7-25-05
Ladies I envy you for being able to eat real foods!! LOL jk I am on my 5th day post-op and I've had nothing but clear liquids. So this is what I've been having since I was discharged:
~chicken or beef broth
~water with some apple juice (I'm not sure about the exact measurements just so it's not too sweet)
~sugar-free jello
~sugar-free popsicles
and that's basically what I have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh and I tried to have something different, don't laugh, bean broth and um let's just say it didn't help the gas issue so I'm sticking to the 2 broths I can have
. So this is my menu until I get cleared for creamy soups and mushy stuff. Wish me luck--it IS HARD but what helps es que la tripa no me esta gruñendo.
p.s. Since I am not a cook do you guys think you could share some food ideas or receipes? Maybe that could be a different thread...Thanks in advanced!

where are you girls at? Ok well I'm gonna post my menu for today. Btw, Linda the stuff you post on your menu are foods you ate already for the day and what you plan to eat as the day progresses?
-beef broth, made with 1/2 a beef bullion and yuck to fatty-when it got cold the fat just floated on top and after sipping it for a while I could feel that greasy stuff on the roof my mouth, SORRY so gross...but yuck!
-cinnamon/apple tea
-sf jello - lime flavor
-sf popsicles
-chicken broth, homemade mixed with some chicken flavored seasoning from those ramen soup packages...I so wanted to eat the noodles, hehee
-coffee with splenda
-sf jello - orange flavored
-sf popsicles
-vegetable broth ( I bought a can and I'm gonna try it later)
-sf jello - maybe orange or lime....hmmm decisions, decisions LOL
-sf drink mix - fruit punch flavored
-sf popsicle