Anyone still posting in here?
How I wished that this site was a bit more, afterall it is about us.
I miss conversing with my people and getting advise, helpful hints, and support.
I still remember when I was still on liquids and I was really scared because I took communion and I thought that my tummy would clog or that I would tear it open..hahahaha....How helpful everyone was.
when I first started this journey I would post very frequently, now I visit the site every two weeks or so...I welcome all comments, questions, and or advise.........
I started at 252 lbs. I am now 163lbs. So very happy !!!!!!!!!

Elisa I was so happy to get a reply from you. You look
I browsed through your journal and am very happy to know that everything is going great for you and your
hubby, you two make an amazing couple.
I was finally able to upload some pictures, as you can see I don't know what I'm doing......the pictures look fuzzy and
downright amateur.......oh well, I can only get better, not worse, right? I will keep working on the picture thing.
Tomorrow is my little son's b-day party
.....I have tons to do, unfortunately, I keep myself very busy...too busy for an form of excercise...wish me luck in my quest....
Huggs, Carolbear

Hey it's nice to put a face with a name! Thank you so much Carol for reading my journal. We are so happy we got this surgery together. IT's great. Have fun at your son's birthday party!!
p.s. If you need help with resizing you can email me the picture and I can change it for you....? send it to [email protected].

Hey it's nice to put a face with a name! Thank you so much Carol for reading my journal. We are so happy we got this surgery together. IT's great. Have fun at your son's birthday party!!
p.s. If you need help with resizing you can email me the picture and I can change it for you....? send it to [email protected].

I was readig your journal. I have a friend that is going throught the Kaiser, Baldwin Park, program. She will be done the first week of January and will be going to San Diego for her surgery. Do you go to the support groups, Kaiser/West Covina? I went to one of those meetings and felt out of place, most of the people were older ( 40's and 50's). I wish that I could go back, I need the support.
Congrats on your journey, you seem to be doing fantastic!!!!!!
Warm regards, Carolbear